Admissions Frequently Asked Questions: Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment
Who is eligible to participate in the Dual Enrollment Program?
High school students in grades 10th-12th grades attending a public or private high school in Georgia or home study can participate in the Dual Enrollment Program.
What terms is Dual Enrollment available?
Students may participate in Dual Enrollment for all terms (Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters).
How do I apply for Dual Enrollment funding?
Complete the Georgia Futures Dual Enrollment Funding Application at
Does the funding application have to be submitted each semester that you enroll in classes?
No, the funding application only needs to be completed once per school year. The funding application must be completed before we can register you for classes.
What expenses are not covered by the Dual Enrollment program?
Students may incur expenses for course related fees and supplies required for a particular course or optional fee charged by the postsecondary institution. If the postsecondary institution provided the textbooks through a lending program, the student may be charged a lost or damaged book fee if the book is not returned in the required condition.
The student is responsible for tuition and fees for any course taken that is not on the Dual Enrollment Approved Course Directory and the student’s Dual Enrollment funding application.
Course Registration
How do I register for courses at UWG?
After you have been accepted, please contact the Dual Enrollment team at to get advised.
Can I live on campus as a Dual Enrollment student?
No, we do not allow high school students to live on campus.