
A transient student is a “visiting” student who wishes to take course work at UWG for one semester and then return to his/her previously enrolled college.

How many semesters can I be a transient student?

Enrollment as a transient student is limited to one consecutive semester. 

Can I continue at UWG after my transient semester?

A transient student wishing to continue enrollment at UWG as a degree seeking transfer student must reapply as a transfer degree seeking student and fulfill all transfer admission requirements. Application as a transfer student and all required transfer admission documents must be received by the announced application and document deadline date.

How do I pay for classes?

Since transient students are “visiting” student and not degree seeking UWG students, transient students are not eligible for any financial assistance from UWG. Transient students must make financial assistance arrangements with their “home” college.

Do I have to attend orientation?

Transient students do not attend new student orientation.