Curriculog Resources
If you are submitting a new program proposal in the Curriculog system, you will need to include the following two items to satisfy the assessment requirements. Please complete the following templates and attach to the official proposal.
- Academic Assessment Plan / Reporting - Template
*Download the above template and fill in the first three columns. It will include the Program Student Learning Outcomes, Strategic Plan Connection, and the Measure and Methods - You want to show how the program will be collecting and analyzing the assessment data. (For more specific information as to what should be included in the Measure/Method column, see the UWG Peer Review Rubric here). - Curriculum and Assessment Map - Template
*Download the above template and fill in per the embedded instructions. IF you will be using course embedded assessment, be sure to include an "A" in the appropriate cells to indicate where learning outcomes will be assessed
Information on Writing Program Level Student Learning Outcomes (PDF)
*It is HIGHLY recommended that programs have the Director of Assessment or Assessment Coordinator review and provide feedback on any and all assessment related documents prior to submission in the Curriculog system. Doing so can eliminate the need for revisions once submitted.
For more information on Curriculog and for login access, please visit the VPAA site here.