UWG Campus featuring white sign with the UWG shield prominently displayed.


You've made history with the best and the brightest who choose to Go West! Now it's time to prepare for graduation. The steps listed here will guide you through the graduation process; please read and follow these steps closely.

Should you need assistance, the Graduation Team in the Registrar's Office is here to help you make your mark as you transition from student to Alumni.

Contact the Graduation Team

Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremonies

Friday, May 16, 2025

9 AM: Undergraduate and Graduate students from the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences & Dr. James 'Earl' Perry College of Mathematics, Computing, and Science.

1 PM: Undergraduate and Graduate students from the Richards College of Business & School of Communication, Film, and Media

5 PM: Undergraduate and Graduate students from the Tanner Health System School of Nursing & University College

Saturday, May 17, 2025

1 PM: Undergraduate and Georgia's BEST program students from the College of Education 

5 PM: Graduate (excluding Georgia's BEST) students from the College of Education

All ceremonies will take place at the Coliseum

UWG Commencement Website

Graduation InformationWhat You Need to Know

Apply for Graduation

Apply for Graduation (Degree & Stand-Alone Certificate Completion)

Degree Candidates: Degree candidates must apply for graduation for degree awarding and are eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony for the term in which they anticipate completing all requirements. Summer candidates will participate in either the Spring or Fall commencement ceremony based on remaining hours in their degree program. (Doctoral students who complete all degree requirements, including ProQuest, in the Summer will default to Fall Commencement Ceremony.) If you feel that you have extenuating circumstances and would like to request to participate in a ceremony other than the one you've been assigned, please complete the Marching Exception Request Form.

Stand-Alone Certificate Candidates: Certificate candidates must apply for graduation for certificate awarding, but are not eligible to participate in the Commencement Ceremony. 

All students intending to graduate must apply for graduation and pay the required fee regardless of whether they intend to participate in the commencement ceremony. The Graduation Application and fee is valid for one year from the student's intended term of graduation. Students who do not apply for graduation will not have their degree or stand-alone certificate awarded and will not receive their diploma. Students must apply by the Graduation Application deadlines listed below. The Graduation Application fee is $40 per degree and $20 per stand-alone certificate.

What if I miss the application deadline? Late applications may be accepted without an additional fee. Once you notice you missed the deadline, please complete the application in your Self-Service Banner account. Students who apply late will have their degree audit reviewed after those students who applied prior to the deadline. Please note, students who apply late for graduation risk not having their name included in the Commencement Program.

Graduation Application Dates

*Summer Candidates will participate in either the Spring or Fall commencement ceremony based on remaining hours in their degree program.    
Semester of GraduationApplication OpensApplication Deadline
FallFebruary 1stAugust 1st
SpringApril 1stOctober 1st
Summer*September 1stMarch 1st

How to Apply for Graduation

To access the Online Graduation Application and Fee Payment, logon to Student Self-Service, select the "Apply for Graduation" link. Follow the instructions listed on the Graduation Application to complete your application, pay the application fee, and submit for processing. After submitting your payment, click “Finish”. Please note until payment is made, your application will not be received by the Office of the Registrar for processing. Please Note: The first question on the graduation application is asking for your last term of enrollment, not the term in which you wish to graduate. If you are currently enrolled in classes, you will list the current semester. 

  • Undergraduate students are required to have at least 85 overall earned hours prior to applying for graduation. Earned hours does not include in-progress or future registration courses. There is no minimum hour requirement for graduate students. Students who have not attended UWG for three consecutive semesters must readmit into their degree or certificate program prior to applying for graduation. Contact the Undergraduate or Graduate Office of Admissions for assistance.
  • During the Graduation Application process, students will be asked to indicate their Commencement Ceremony attendance preference (degree candidates only), to verify the name to be printed on their diploma and/or certificate, and to provide the address where their diploma and/or certificate will be mailed after degrees & certificates are conferred.
  • Students who are graduating with dual degrees (ex. Bachelor of Arts & Bachelor of Science or Master of Business Administration & Master of Professional Accounting) must apply for graduation twice and pay two fees. Dual degree students will receive two diplomas. Students who are pursuing a double major for the same degree (ex. Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Sociology) will only apply once and pay one fee. Double major students will receive one diploma with both majors listed.
  • Students who intend to earn a stand-alone certificate will apply to graduate through the online Graduation Application. Students earning a stand-alone certificate and a degree must apply and pay the fee for each degree and stand-alone certificate. Embedded certificates are awarded by academic departments; students must apply for that certificate through the academic department that sponsors the embedded certificate program. There is no fee for embedded certificates.

Graduation At a Glance