Graduation & Degree Policies
Graduation policies support the academic integrity of the university while promoting student success. All students applying for graduation should review and understand the various policies governing degree conferral.
Graduation Policies
Undergraduate Graduation Policies
Undergraduate Graduation Policies
The University of West Georgia awards degrees and stand-alone certificates three times a year corresponding with the end of each semester and only to the students who have applied and who are meeting all graduation requirements at the time final grades are posted.
For Application Deadlines and Steps to Apply, please visit the Apply for Graduation section of our Graduation Webpage. Please note all students intending to graduate must apply for graduation and pay the required fee regardless of whether they intend to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Graduation Policies
- Candidates may choose to meet the degree requirements of the current catalog or any catalog within six years prior to graduation, provided that the candidate was enrolled in the degree program during the year of the catalog chosen.
- A student’s graduation will be delayed one semester if:
- all incomplete (I) grades are not removed and a grade recorded in the Registrar’s Office by the grade deadline of the term in which the student is graduating;
- transient, study abroad, credit by exam or any other type of credit is not recorded in the Registrar’s Office by the grade deadline of the term in which the student is scheduled to graduate;
- the student is not meeting graduation requirements after grades are posted for the term in which the student is scheduled to graduate.
- Students are encouraged to attend graduation. If attendance is not possible, the student should notify the Registrar’s Office. A student may participate in only one graduation ceremony per degree earned.
Undergraduate Honors Policy
The University of West Georgia awards baccalaureate degrees with honors to those undergraduates who have earned a minimum of a 3.50 grade point average at UWG (institutional GPA). Those candidates who have transferred from other institutions will qualify for honors if they meet UWG’s minimum residency requirements and attain the minimum GPA based on the higher of the following calculations: institutional GPA or all UWG and transfer courses. Course repeats are calculated into the institutional & overall GPAs as stated in the Repeat Policy. Baccalaureate degrees are awarded with honors based on the following grade point average range for all courses attempted:
3.50 - 3.79 GPA - honors (cum laude)
3.80 - 3.89 GPA - high honors (magna cum laude)
3.90 - 4.00 GPA - highest honors (summa cum laude)
Because grades are not official until after the commencement ceremony, the initial honors designation is based on the student’s honors GPA at the end of the semester prior to the graduating semester. Students who have not met the GPA requirements to be designated as an honors recipient at the time of commencement will not be allowed to walk as an honors recipient or to purchase honors cords from UWG Outfitters. Official honors designation will be determined after the commencement ceremony when term grades are official and the honors GPA is recalculated. GPAs are truncated to the second decimal place and will not be rounded (example, a 3.49 will not be rounded to a 3.50). Students who graduate with honors will have their honors status (cum laude, etc.) notated on their official academic transcript and their diploma.
This policy is effective beginning in the fall 2023 semester.
U.S. and Georgia History and Constitution Requirements
USG institutions shall give instruction in the history of the United States, in the history of Georgia, and in the essentials of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia. No undergraduate student shall receive a certificate of graduation or a degree without successfully completing coursework or passing a satisfactory examination on the history of the United States, the history of Georgia, and the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia.
Students may meet these requirements by passing HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 and POLS 1101 at West Georgia. The U.S. and Georgia history requirements may also be satisfied by passing examinations developed by the History program and administered by Academic Testing Services. The Georgia Constitution requirement may also be satisfied by passing an examination developed by the Political Science Department and administered by the Testing Office.
Students transferring from a non-USG or a non-TCSG Georgia institution or attended an institution outside the state of Georgia who receives credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 or POLS 1101 will not have satisfied the Georgia history and constitution requirements unless the course description/syllabus states that the GA history or constitution was part of the course. The same applies to students who earn credit for HIST 2111 or HIST 2112 or POLS 1101 through International Baccalaureate testing, AP testing, CLEP testing, or DSST testing. The Georgia history and constitution requirements can be satisfied by passing examinations administered each semester by the Academic Testing Office.
Degree-Specific Policies
Policies specific to the degree you intend to earn are found in the Undergraduate Academic Catalogs. If you intend to earn two degrees, you must satisfy the requirements for both degrees.
Additional Policies
Limitation on Specific Course Hours which can be used to Meet Graduation Requirements
- A maximum of 6 credit hours total of military science, debate practicum (COMM 1115) and applied music/ensemble courses (for non-music majors and minors) can be applied toward a degree.
- No PWLA course credit may be applied toward the number of academic hours required for a degree.
- Source: 2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Requirements for a Double Major within the Same Degree awarded during the Same Semester
- Students may complete two majors under the same degree (example, English major and Theatre major under the BA degree) by completing all major requirements and all Core Area requirements specific to each major, including Core Area F requirements for both majors.
- The second major will satisfy the requirement for a minor if either major requires a minor.
- The Richards College of Business has specific requirements for students wishing to have two majors under the BBA degree. See the College of Business for further information.
- Source: 2017-2018 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Requirements for Two Different Baccalaureate Degrees Awarded during the Same Semester
- Students who wish to earn two different baccalaureate degrees at the same commencement ceremony (example, a BA degree and a BS degree) must:
- Complete all major and degree requirements for both degrees.
Requirements for a Second Baccalaureate Degree Awarded in a Different Semester than the First Degree
- Students who wish to pursue a second baccalaureate degree after the first degree has been awarded must:
- Complete a minimum of 30 additional hours in residence (20 of these hours must be in courses numbered 3000 or above).
- Maintain a 2.0 grade point average or above in the work completed for the second degree.
- Fulfill all requirements for the major and degree. Candidates for second degrees will be governed by the catalog requirements in effect at the time work on the second degree is begun.
Graduate Graduation Policies
Graduate Graduation Policies
The University of West Georgia awards degrees and stand-alone certificates three times a year corresponding with the end of each semester and only to the students who have applied, have a minimum of a 3.00 overall grade point average, and who are meeting all graduation requirements at the time final grades are posted.
For Application Deadlines and Steps to Apply, please visit the Apply for Graduation section of our Graduation Webpage. Please note all students intending to graduate must apply for graduation and pay the required fee regardless of whether they intend to participate in the commencement ceremony.
Only baccalaureate degree candidates are eligible to graduate with honors. Students seeking graduate degrees are not eligible for graduation with honors.
Time Limits to Complete a Graduate Degree
- The Ed.D. in Nursing Education Program must be completed within seven years.
- Degree programs in the College of Education must be completed within seven years.
- The Ph.D. in Psychology: Consciousness and Society program must be completed within eight years.
- The M.S. in Applied Computer Science program must be completed within three years.
- All other graduate degree programs must be completed within six years.
It is expected that a student will complete the degree program with reasonable continuity. A student called into military service or a student with extraordinary circumstances may apply for an extension of time. The student should submit the Degree Time Limit Extension Form and a letter of appeal to the director of his/her graduate degree program. The time limit exception must be approved by both the Program Director and Director of Graduate Studies in the college or school.