A Group of People Having a Meeting in the Office

B.A. in International Economic Affairs

With this degree, students are afforded the opportunity to study a broad range of political, social and economic issues facing countries around the world, develop foreign language skills, and complete a study abroad program.

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Plan Your Degree

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

M: MATH 1111 OR 1113

College Algebra or Precalculus

I2: XIDS 2002

(Recommended) First Year Seminar

F: ECON 2105

Principles of Macroeconomics

P2: POLS 1101

American Government



  • Complete ENGL 1101 with a C or better.
  • Complete MATH 1111 or MATH 1113 with a C or higher.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

F: CISM 2201

Foundations of Computer Applications

F: ECON 2106

Principles of Microeconomics

T1: Science + Lab 4
A: Humanities 3


  • Complete ENGL 1102 with a C or better.
  • Complete Lab Science.
  • Earn at least 30 total credit hours after year 1.
  • Complete CISM 2201, ECON 2105 & 2106 after year 1


14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
F: FL 1001

Elementary Spanish, French, or German I

S1: HIST 1111 OR 1112

World History

S2: Social Science 3
T2: Non-lab Science 3
Free Elective 3


  • Complete Non-lab science.
  • Complete Foreign Language course.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
Geography 1013
World Geography
F: FL 1002

Elementary Spanish, French, or German II

A: Humanities 3
I1: Written and Oral Communication 3
T3: STEM Course 3


  • Complete Foreign Language course.
  • Earn at least 60 total credit hours after year 2.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
F: FL 2001

Intermediate Spanish, French, or German 1

ECON 3410

Macroeconomic Policy

ECON 3402

Statistics for Business I

P1: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History

POLS 3401

Comparative Politics



  • Complete Foreign Language course.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
FL 2002

Intermediate Spanish, French, or German II

ECON 3411

Intermediate Microeconomics

ECON 4410

Money and Banking

ANTH 1102

Introduction to Anthropology

Free Elective 3


  • Earn at least 90 total credit hours after year 3.
  • Complete Foreign Language course.
  • No more than 15 hours of elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
ECON 4450

International Economics

POLS 3501

Managerial Accounting

Foreign History course 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3


  • No more than 15 hours of elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ECON 34 58 OR 4470

Economic Anthropology or Comparative Economic Systems

ECON 4484

Seminar in Economics

Global Elective OR Internship 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3


  • Earn at least 120 total credit hours after year 4.
  • No more than 15 hours of elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Crush Your Course

First Year: 

  • Take a cornerstone course with Richards College business faculty and explore various business topics.
  • Begin the Area F coursework for business majors.
  • Apply for scholarships.

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Take the capstone course for all business majors: MGNT 4660.
  • Complete all major courses, major selects, and approved electives.
  • Explore concentrations, certificate programs, and research opportunities in the college.
  • Apply for graduation.

Find Your Place

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Consider a study abroad and/or work abroad opportunity and research visa regulations.
  • Explore practices of creating more inclusive experiences.
  • Continue to grow your professional network.

Connect Off-Campus

First Year: 

  • Visit Wolves Vote to learn about the voting process and registration.
  • Consider volunteering for a campaign or organization in your community. 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Ask for advice from professionals in your field of interest
  • Explore career shadowing opportunities
  • Attend an academic conference with a faculty member and participate in a research presentation.

Take Care of Yourself

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

Pave Your Path

First Year: 

Middle Year: 

  • Draft your resume and attend a resume and interview workshop.
  • Learn about how to network on social media and update your Handshake profile.
  • Take business communications: ABED 3100.
  • Visit the graduate school to find out about graduate programs and admission requirements.

Last Year: 

  • Request references from professors and supervisors.
  • Draft your resume and cover letter and attend career workshops.
  • Attend career fairs at UWG.
  • Engage with UWG alumni.
  • Apply for graduate programs.
  • Apply for full-time jobs before graduation.


Have any questions about your major?

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Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!