a large body of water with a city in the background

B.S. in Economics

While earning a B.S. in Economics in the Richards College of Business, students have the opportunity to learn how financial markets work, how products are manufactured, where resources come from and how resources and goods are allocated in an economy. Students also have the opportunity to learn from faculty who explain economic philosophies and show students how to analyze and predict trends.

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Plan Your Degree

Disclaimer: This program map is intended ONLY as a guide for students to plan their course of study. It does NOT replace any information in the Undergraduate Catalog, which is the official guide for completing degree requirements.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
C: ENGL 1101

English Composition I

M: MATH 1111 OR 1113

College Algebra or Precalculus

I: XIDS 2002

(Recommended) First Year Seminar

F: ECON 2105

Principles of Macroeconomics


I: Written and Oral Communication



  • Complete ENGL 1101 with a C or better.
  • Complete Math 1111 or Math 1113 with a C or higher.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
C: ENGL 1102

English Composition II

F: CISM 2201

Foundations of Computer Applications

F: ECON 2106

Principles of Microeconomics


T: Science + Lab


A: Humanities



  • Complete ENGL 1102 with a C or better.
  • Complete Lab Science.
  • Earn at least 30 total credit hours after year 1.
  • Complete CISM 2201, ECON 2105 & 2106 after year 1.


14 Fall Credit Hours + 16 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
S: HIST 1111 OR 1112

World History

P: POLS 1101

American Government


T: Approved Natural Science


F: Major Elective


Free elective



  • Courses 3000 or above that form a coherent whole. These courses must be approved by the department chair.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
P: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History


T: STEM Course


A: Humanities


S: Social Science


F: Major Elective



  • Earn at least 60 total credit hours after year 2.
  • No more than 18 hours of supporting or elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).
  • Courses 3000 or above that form a coherent whole. These courses must be approved by the department chair.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Additional Information:

  • For Area F Elective, you can take three courses from the following: (below 3000 level) ANTH, CS, FOR LANG, GEOG, HIST, MATH, POLS, SOCI.

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours
ECON 3402

Statistics for Business I

ECON 3410

Macroeconomic Policy


F: Major Elective


Supporting Course


ECON Elective



  • No more than 18 hours of supporting or elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).
  • Courses 3000 or above that form a coherent whole. These courses must be approved by the department chair.

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ECON 3411

Intermediate Microeconomics


ECON Elective


ECON Elective


Supporting Course


Free Elective



  • Earn at least 90 total credit hours after year 3.
  • No more than 18 hours of supporting or elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).
  • Courses 3000 or above that form a coherent whole. These courses must be approved by the department chair.


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Term 1: Fall

Course Name Credit Hours

ECON Elective


ECON Elective


Supporting Course


Supporting Course


Free Elective



  • No more than 18 hours of supporting or elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).

Term 2: Spring

Course Name Credit Hours
ECON 4484

Seminar in Economics


Supporting Course


Free Elective


Free Elective


Free Elective



  • Earn at least 120 total credit hours after year 4.
  • No more than 18 hours of supporting or elective courses may be taken in traditional business subjects (ACCT, CISM, FINC, MGNT, MKTG, or RELE).


15 Fall Credit Hours + 15 Spring Credit Hours = 30 Credit Hours

Crush Your Course

First Year: 

  • Take a cornerstone course with Richards College business faculty and explore various business topics.
  • Begin the Area F coursework for business majors.
  • Apply for scholarships.

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Take the capstone course for all business majors: MGNT 46 60.
  • Complete all major courses, major selects, and approved electives.
  • Explore concentrations, certificate programs, and research opportunities in the college.
  • Apply for graduation.

Find Your Place

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

Broaden Your Perspectives

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Consider a study abroad and/or work abroad opportunity and research visa regulations.
  • Explore practices of creating more inclusive experiences.
  • Continue to grow your professional network.

Connect Off-Campus

First Year: 

  • Visit Wolves Vote to learn about the voting process and registration.
  • Consider volunteering for a campaign or organization in your community. 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

  • Ask for advice from professionals in your field of interest
  • Explore career shadowing opportunities
  • Attend an academic conference with a faculty member and participate in a research presentation.

Take Care of Yourself

First Year: 

Middle Years: 

Last Year: 

Pave Your Path

First Year: 

Middle Year: 

  • Draft your resume and attend a resume and interview workshop.
  • Learn about how to network on social media and update your Handshake profile.
  • Take business communications: ABED 3100.
  • Visit the graduate school to find out about graduate programs and admission requirements.

Last Year: 

  • Request references from professors and supervisors.
  • Draft your resume and cover letter and attend career workshops.
  • Attend career fairs at UWG.
  • Engage with UWG alumni.
  • Apply for graduate programs.
  • Apply for full-time jobs before graduation.


man teaching woman while pointing on gray laptop

Career Opportunities

This degree may help you get work as the following:

  • Credit Analyst
  • Economic Consultant
  • Economist
  • Loan Officer
  • Personal Finance Advisor
  • Policy Analyst
  • Portfolio Manager
  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Statistician
  • Supply Chain Analyst


Have any questions about your major?

Book an Advising Appointment

Don't forget to check out Wolf Watch to explore degree requirements!