Phase III (Full Non-Academic On-Campus Operations) - Begins July 20
Return to all non-academic on-campus services while continuing to utilize remote work, scheduling, and other measures to maintain social distancing and flexibility. Target date will be determined by guidance from the USG.
In addition to the Phase I and Phase II personnel, all remaining personnel will return to normal activities within the limits of these guidelines. Supervisors may submit a Return to Work Exception Form for select employees to continue to work remotely as warranted by individual/departmental circumstances.
All remaining employees will return to campus to prepare the campus for students’ return and the return to academic instruction on campus. Student employees may be included in the return to work plans for the division based on need and voluntary acceptance of the student employee to return to work on campus. Student employees cannot be required to return to work during this phase. Employees who are members of vulnerable populations or are caring for a vulnerable population family member may continue to work remotely as approved. Supervisor should use the Return to Work Exception Form for these employees.
Faculty/Staff Monitoring
Scheduling and Workplace
- Remote Work - Permitted upon review and approval.
- Scheduling - Alternative schedules for extenuating circumstances may be permitted following review and approval.
- Workspaces - adjust workspace layout to accommodate social distancing or natural separation as needed
- Adjust existing face-to-face transactional procedures to allow for social distancing or appropriate safeguards to protect employee and customer during transaction.
- Adjust from paper documents to electronic documents where possible.
- Conduct meetings using virtual meeting resources.
Office and Service Space Access (See Appendix for Definitions)
- Customer Service/Transaction Spaces - Open with appropriate safety and physical controls in place.
- Meeting/Conference spaces - Permitted for use as scheduled by ReserveWest and approved by an authorized divisional leader. Occupancy will be determined by observing social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
- Office Service Spaces - Limited to one person per 50 square feet per room while observing social distancing and hygiene guidelines. Follow personal cleaning requirements for designated space.
- Office Secondary Spaces - Limited to authorized personnel, following cleaning requirements for designated space.
- Building Service Spaces - Limited to authorized personnel, following personal cleaning requirements for designated space.
- All meetings should be conducted using virtual meeting software
- When face-to-face meetings are required, social distancing measures are to be used
All non-essential travel not allowed. Essential travel requires divisional approval by submitting the Essential Travel Authorization Form (link forthcoming). Employees returning from authorized travel will have to follow the Return to Work process defined for employees.
Campus Resources for Phase III
To support the strategies and tactics in Phase III, the University of West Georgia will provide the following items and measures within the limits of available resources:
- Washable face coverings for all employees who are unable to provide their own face covering
- Additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for employees whose jobs require it
- Enhanced cleaning of building and campus spaces
- Parking flexibility to negate the need for carpooling
- Paper towels in restrooms
- Additional cleaning and disinfecting supplies for departmental use
- Contact tracing support to local health departments
- Guidance on how to improve workspace design to support social distancing
- Signage to support social distancing and additional hygiene measures
- Adjusted schedules, shifts, and reporting requirements to ensure flexibility and social distancing
- Maintenance of non-traditional work practices as needed
- Guide for supervisors in the execution of COVID-19 response and Return to Work Plan
- Employee daily health self-reporting tool
- Return to Work Exception Form (link forthcoming)
- Essential Travel Authorization Form (link forthcoming)
Phase III Review / Preparation for Students Return to Campus
- The effectiveness of these measures is subject to review and modification at any time by the appropriate divisional leader. Any recommended substantive changes to these procedures shall be subject to review and approval by the executive leadership or the President.
- These procedures may be revised by the executive leadership or the President in response to changes or directives by the USG, State of Georgia, or federal agencies.