Audrey D. Kline is an Associate Professor of Economics at the College of Business, University of Louisville. She is a former Associate Dean/COO, MBA Program Director, and Chair of the Economics Department at Louisville. She is the author of a scholarly book, several book chapters, as well as scholarly articles, book reviews, and paper presentations. She has written a number of editorials and has also worked as an economic consultant. She can be contacted at

Articles are listed in chronological order by year and the order in which they were published in that year.


The NFL's Latest Battles: Stadium Subsidies and the End of the Building Boom?

by Audrey D. Kline

How to Reduce the Opioid Epidemic: Legalize Recreational Marijuana

by Audrey D. Kline

U.S. Supreme Court Kicks Patent Trolls to the Curb

by Audrey D. Kline

Shooting at the Ball Park: Here We Go Again

by Audrey D. Kline

State Fairs and the Importance of Product Differentiation

by Audrey D. Kline

Amazon Prime Day: Is World Domination Far Behind?

by Audrey D. Kline

The 2017 Solar Eclipse and the Solar Power Industry

by Audrey D. Kline

Cable Television Encryption and Options for Trimming Your Cable Bill

by Audrey D. Kline


Good News, Bad News: Grocery Price Wars

by Audrey D. Kline

The Government Shutdown and A Less Obvious Impact: U.S. Air Force Academy Athletics

by Audrey D. Kline

Washing Machine Tariffs: The New Spin on Laundry Price Wars

by Audrey D. Kline

Barriers to Entry and Deregulation in the U.S. Hair Braiding Industry

by Audrey D. Kline

Price Elasticity and Tax Reform

by Audrey D. Kline


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