Earnings Surprises and Stock Returns: Some Evidence from Asia/Pacific and Europe by H. Christine Hsu
H. Christine Hsu CHSU@csuchico.edu is a Professor of Finance in the Department of Finance and Marketing, College of Business, California State University, Chico.
The study reported on in this article suggests that the semi-strong form market efficiency appears to be violated in the Asia/Pacific equity market. The findings of this study reveal that the superior (inferior) performance of portfolios is associated with positive (negative) earnings surprises, and that portfolio returns increase with earnings surprises over the years of 1995-1999 in this international equity market. Regression results suggest that the earnings surprises are much more powerful in predicting portfolio returns than they are in predicting stock returns. The author concludes from the study that portfolio earnings surprises information is useful in predicting one-year ahead portfolio returns and that a trading strategy based on earnings surprises earns abnormally high returns year after year. Needless to say, this study has significant implications for investors / portfolio managers in making their asset allocation decisions in Asia/Pacific equity market. |
If markets are efficient in semi-strong form as defined in Fama (1970), then stock prices will adjust immediately to public information such as the release of street consensus earnings estimates and the announcement of actual earnings. As a result, a trading strategy based on publicly available earnings information cannot be profitable. Evidence from recent studies suggests market inefficiency in semi-strong form. For example, Charitou and Panagiotides (1999) find that an earnings-based trading strategy earns higher excess returns than a cash flow-based trading strategy in the U.K.; Bagoli, Beneish and Watts (1999) conclude that trading strategies based in the relation between Whisper and First Call earnings forecasts earn abnormal stock returns; Alexander and Ang (1998) demonstrate that the U.S. equity markets do respond to earnings paths; Cheung, Chung and Kim (1997) show that trading strategies based on earnings to price ratio of a sample of Hong Kong firms yield significant excess returns for various holding periods up to two years; and Bernard and Thomas (1990) find that part of the stock price response to this quarter's earnings announcement is predictable from earnings one to four quarters back. The objectives of this study are to add one more piece of evidence to support the hypothesis of semi-strong form market inefficiency and to investigate whether earnings surprises can be used to create a profitable trading strategy that captures stocks with superior performance.
Earnings expectations data on more than 18,000 international stocks from 1987 through 2000 are available in Institutional Brokers Estimate Systems (I/B/E/S) historical summary database. [1] Since data on many firms in the emerging markets became available in 1993 or later, my sample period runs from 1994:12 through 1999:12. The universe of firms is composed of international firms in 40 countries from Asia/Pacific and Europe. To be included in the sample, the common stock of an international firm must have common shares outstanding (at least one billion shares), price (at least $5) [2] actual earnings per share, consensus earnings per share estimate, and standard deviation of earnings estimates data in December of year t, and dividend and stock price data in December of year t+1. I define consensus earnings per share estimate as the mean forecasted earnings per share when there are at least three financial analysts contributing to I/B/E/S estimates. The minimum common shares outstanding and price screening standards are employed to ensure that only firms with big market capitalization (= price x common shares outstanding) are included in the analysis. I use the standardized unexpected earnings (SUE) to measure the earnings surprises. It is defined as
SUEt = (At - Ft) / SDt
Where SUEt = year t standardized unexpected earnings
At = year t actual earnings per share reported by the firm
Ft = year t consensus earnings per share forecasted by analysts in year t-1
SDt = year t standard deviation of earnings estimates
SUE measures the deviation of actual earnings from the mean forecasted earnings scaled by its standard deviation. If financial analysts over-forecast, then there is negative earnings surprise (SUE <0), and vice versa. The absolute value of SUE is a direct indicator of the degree of the earnings surprises (or the forecasting errors). To examine the relation between the earnings surprise and stock performance, I rank the stocks in terms of SUE at the end of each year t, and compute their rates of return in year t+1. The rate of return is calculated as the sum of the stock's dividend yield and capital gains yield,
Rt+1 = [DIVt+1 / Pt ]+ [(Pt+1- Pt) / Pt ]
Where Rt+1 = year t+1 rate of return
DIVt+1 = year t+1 dividends on common stock
Pt+1 = year t+1 price of stock
Pt = year t price of stock
To eliminate outliers in the analysis, I exclude five percent of the stocks with the highest SUE and five percent of the stocks with the lowest SUE from the sample. This yields 11,258 stock-year observations during the sample period, where 243 observations have no earnings surprises (SUE = 0). Since the focus is on the association of earnings surprises with stock returns, these zero SUE observations are excluded from the sample. This results in 11,015 stock-year observations for the study, 2021 observations from Asia/Pacific equity market, and 8994 observations from Europe equity market.
To investigate whether stock behavior is affected differently by the direction of earnings surprises, I then group the stocks into two portfolios based on the sign of SUE. Portfolio A consists of the stocks with positive earnings surprises (SUE > 0), and Portfolio B with negative earnings surprises (SUE < 0). Table 1 contains the descriptive statistics of common shares outstanding, SUE and portfolio returns of the base sample over the study period. Table 2 contains the descriptive statistics of the base sample by year. Table 3 summarizes the difference between the two portfolios’ mean returns by year.
To evaluate how the earnings surprise in year t (SUEt) is associated with the stock return in year t+1 (Rt+1) statistically, I run the following regression in each market for the stocks in each of the two portfolios, namely, Portfolios A and B.
Rt+1 = a + b SUEt + e
Where a = the intercept of the regression line
b = the sensitivity of stock return to SUE
e = stock return movement that is uncorrelated to SUE
If the earnings surprises coefficient b is significantly different from zero, then the association between SUE and the stock return is not due to chance. If coefficient b is positive (negative), then there is a direct (inverse) relation between SUE and stock return. Table 4 summarizes the regression results for the stocks in each of the two portfolios (Portfolios A and B) by market.
To examine how positive earnings surprises affect portfolio performance in Asia/Pacific market, I assign stocks in Portfolio A into one of the twenty subgroups (Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-A20) on the basis of their SUE annually. That is, at the end of each year from 1994 through 1998 in Asia/Pacific market, five percent of the stocks with the highest SUE are assigned to Asia/Pacific Portfolio A1, five percent of the stocks with the next highest SUE are assigned to Asia/Pacific Portfolio A2, and so on. Table 5 contains the descriptive statistics of the twenty portfolios with positive earnings surprises in Asia/Pacific market. The same grouping procedure is employed for the stocks with negative SUE in Asia/Pacific market. Table 6 contain the descriptive statistics of the twenty portfolios with negative earnings surprises in Asia/Pacific market (Asia/Pacific Portfolios B1-B20). Portfolio B1 consists of five percent of the stocks with the lowest negative earnings surprises and Portfolio B20 consists of 5% of the stocks with the highest negative earnings surprises. To examine how earnings surprises affect portfolio returns in Europe market, I adopt the same grouping procedures and constructed twenty portfolios with positive SUE (Europe Portfolios A1-A20) and twenty portfolios with negative SUE (Europe Portfolios B1-B20). [3]
To investigate whether the relationship between portfolio performance in year t+1 and portfolio earnings surprises in year t is statistically significant, I finally regress the portfolio return against the portfolio SUE for Portfolios A1-A20 and Portfolios B1-B20 in each market. Table 7 provides the regression results for the portfolios by market.
Table 1 shows there were 4,522 observations with positive earnings surprises (or under-forecast errors) and 6,493 with negative surprises (or over-forecast errors) during the 1994-1998 sample period in the international equity markets. (Click here to go to the tables.) It appears that financial analysts were not very accurate in forecasting earnings and that they tend to over-forecast more often than to under-forecast earnings of stocks over the five years ending in December 1998. This is found not only in Asia/Pacific market but in the European market as well. Table 2 confirms the analysts' tendency to over-forecast earnings in all five years (1994-1998) covered in this study. The evidence of over-forecasting is the strongest in 1998, during which there were 1,522 stocks with negative earnings surprises and only 591 stocks with positive earnings surprises in the markets. This evidence supports the findings from prior studies that analysts are inefficient in predicting earnings per share and that they tend to over-forecast earnings of the stocks (Butler and Lang (1991), Brous and Kini (1993), Kang, O'Brien and Sivaramakrishnan (1994), Dreman and Berry (1995), Olsen (1996), Hunton and McEwen (1997), Chopra (1998), and Easterwood and Nutt (1999)). This upward biased earnings estimation may be attributable to economic incentives to promote the purchase of the stocks as a result of the fact that the analysts are employed by brokerage or investment banking firms (Brown (1993), Dugar and Nathan (1995), Carleton, Chen and Steiner (1998), Lin and McNichols (1998), and Hayes (1998)). Or it may be attributable to the pressure to present favorable earnings forecasts because the analysts need to maintain, if not enhance, access to the firms they follow (Schipper (1991), Pratt (1993), Francis and Philbrick (1993), Clayman and Schwartz (1994), and Das, Levine and Sivaramakrishnan (1998)).
Table 1 also shows that on an annual basis, Portfolio A outperformed Portfolio B in terms of mean return (75.4% vs. 39.7%) and median return (13.4% vs. –3.7%) over the five years, 1995 through 1999 inclusive. (Click here to go to the tables.) One might wonder if Portfolio A's excess return is due to risk. The answer is no. In fact, Portfolio A's variability in return (standard deviation) is lower than that of Portfolio B (1.578 vs. 1.648). Table 1 suggests that the portfolio with positive earnings surprises (Portfolio A) had higher return and lower risk as compared to the portfolio with negative earnings surprises (Portfolio B) in both the Asia/Pacific and Europe markets. It appears that the positive (negative) earnings surprise is good (bad) news to investors/portfolio managers in these international equity markets.
If the markets are efficient in semi-strong form, then the abnormal returns of Portfolio A should disappear immediately after the earnings surprises information is factored in stock prices, and a SUE based trading strategy cannot be profitable year after year. Table 2 suggests otherwise; the portfolios with positive earnings surprises outperformed those with negative earnings surprises in every single year from 1995 to 1999 in the international equity markets. (Click here to go to the tables.) The results are graphed in Figures 1, 2 and 3, where the mean returns of the stocks in Portfolios A and B are plotted annually in each market. (Click here to go to the figures.) The implication is that arbitrage profits could have been captured if investors/portfolio managers short sold stocks with negative earnings surprises and bought stocks with positive earnings surprises in the international equity markets. That is, at the end of each year from 1994 through 1998, they borrowed shares of the stocks in Portfolio B and sold them; then used the proceeds to invest in the stocks in Portfolio A. They would have lost the return of Portfolio B on the short sales and gained the return of Portfolio A from the long positions over the five-year investment horizon. They could have pocketed an arbitrage return equal to the difference between the two portfolios’ returns in every single year from 1995 to 1999. This trading strategy based entirely on the sign of SUE turned out to be very profitable in Asia/Pacific market as well as in Europe market over the years of 1995 to 1999.
One might argue that the differences between the two portfolios' returns are not statistically significant. As summarized in Table 3, the difference between the two portfolios' mean returns is statistically significant in Asia/Pacific market every single year from 1995 to1999, and it is statistically significant in Europe market in four out of the five years study period. In fact, not only the profit from investing in Portfolio A didn't disappear over time, it became most significant in Asia/Pacific in 1997 and 1999. [4] Asia/Pacific Portfolio A returned a remarkable 81.7% (115.3%) to investors, while Asia/Pacific Portfolio B returned –17.2% (32.4%) in 1997 (1999). (Click here to go to the tables.)
So far the trading strategy is formed on the basis of the sign of SUE. An important question arises: Is there a relationship between the stock return and the size of earnings surprises? Table 4 shows that the coefficient of stock earnings surprises is positive, 0.7117 (0.0997), and significant at the .05 level for stocks in Asia/Pacific Portfolio A and at the .0001 level for stocks in Asia/Pacific Portfolio B, indicating that there is a direct relationship between stock return in year t+1 and its SUE in year t. However, the relationship is very weak, with R-square equal to .0077 (0.0167) for stocks in Portfolio A (Portfolio B). Table 4 also shows that the coefficient of stock earnings surprises is positive for stocks in Europe market, but it is not statistically significant.
The question now becomes: Is there a relationship between portfolio SUE and one-year ahead portfolio returns? According to the regression results in Table 7, SUE in year t has a positive and statistically significant estimated association with the portfolio mean return in year t+1 only in Asia/Pacific market. This relationship is found not only in the portfolios with positive SUE, Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-A20, (coefficient b = .1633, t-statistics = 2.3456), but in the portfolios with negative SUE, Asia/Pacific Portfolios B1-B20, (coefficient b = .1168, t-statistics = 4.5122). In other words, the portfolio return in year t+1 is an increasing function of its SUE in year t in Asia/Pacific market. That is, portfolio returns increase as SUE values increase, while portfolio returns decline as SUE values decrease. Furthermore, the regression performed for Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-B20 results in a R-square of .4786, indicating that portfolio SUE in year t contributes significantly towards an explanation of the variation in the portfolio return in year t+1. The results indicate that the use of portfolio SUE information allows better prediction of future portfolio returns than chance would have it in Asia/Pacific equity market. (Click here to go to the tables.)
An important implication is derived. Notice from Tables 5 and 6 that the portfolio with the highest SUE value (Asia/Pacific Portfolio A1) yielded an abnormally high mean return (131.8%), while the portfolio with the lowest SUE value (Asia/Pacific Portfolio B20) yielded an abnormally low mean return (-51.6%). Recognizing the superior (inferior) performance of the portfolio with the highest positive (negative) earnings surprises, investors/portfolio managers could benefit from a one-year holding period trading strategy. Specifically, if they were to reconstruct their portfolios at the end of each year from 1994 to1998 by buying the portfolio with the highest SUE (Asia/Pacific Portfolio A1) and short selling the portfolio with the lowest SUE (Asia/Pacific Portfolio B20), they would have earned an arbitrage return of 183.4% (= 131.8% + 51.6%) over the five years investment horizon. Even if short sale were not allowed in Asia/Pacific market, they could have gained a mean return of 131.8% by investing in Asia/Pacific Portfolio A1 alone.
This study suggests that the semi-strong form market efficiency appears to be violated in Asia/Pacific equity market. The findings of this study reveal that the superior (inferior) performance of portfolios is associated with positive (negative) earnings surprises, and that the portfolio returns increase with SUE over the years of 1995-1999 in this international equity market. The regression results suggest that the earnings surprises are much more powerful in predicting portfolio returns than they are in predicting stock returns. Based on this study, I conclude that portfolio earnings surprises information is useful in predicting one-year ahead portfolio returns, and that a SUE-based trading strategy earns abnormally high returns year after year. This study demonstrates that investors/portfolio managers could have gained arbitrage returns if they took a long position in the highest SUE portfolio and took a short position in the lowest SUE portfolio at the end of each year from 1994 to 1998. Needless to say, this study has significant implications for investors/portfolio managers in making their asset allocation decisions in Asia/Pacific equity market.
TABLE 1: Descriptive Statistics of Common Shares Outstanding, SUE
and Portfolio Return of the Base Sample, 1994-1998
#sha |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
#sh |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
I. Both Markets |
A |
B |
Mean |
741.3 |
1.391 |
0.754 |
678.3 |
-2.525 |
0.397 |
Median |
43.4 |
1 |
0.134 |
33 |
-1.355 |
-0.037 |
Deviation |
3866 |
1.269 |
1.578 |
3567.4 |
3.262 |
1.648 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.002 |
-1 |
1 |
-21.333 |
-1 |
Maximum |
69744.7 |
6.786 |
35.110 |
73028.6 |
-0.002 |
67.290 |
Count |
4522 |
4522 |
4522 |
6493 |
6493 |
6493 |
II. Asia/Pacific Market |
Portfolio A |
Portfolio B |
Mean |
632.5 |
1.402 |
1.06 |
557.3 |
-3.725 |
0.198 |
Median |
48.8 |
0.989 |
0.068 |
37.1 |
-1.912 |
-0.243 |
Deviation |
2750.2 |
1.37 |
1.162 |
2802.3 |
4.352 |
1.295 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.002 |
-0.999 |
1 |
-21.333 |
-1 |
Maximum |
43595.7 |
6.626 |
35.031 |
71294.5 |
-0.013 |
62.421 |
Count |
671 |
671 |
671 |
1350 |
1350 |
1350 |
III. Europe Market |
Portfolio A |
Portfolio B |
Mean |
760.3 |
1.389 |
0.701 |
710.1 |
-2.21 |
0.45 |
Median |
42.4 |
1 |
0.142 |
31.8 |
-1.248 |
0 |
Deviation |
4029 |
1.25 |
1.663 |
3742 |
2.826 |
1.682 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.003 |
-1 |
1 |
-21.065 |
-1 |
Maximum |
69744.7 |
6.786 |
35.110 |
73028.6 |
-0.002 |
67.290 |
Count |
3851 |
3851 |
3851 |
5143 |
5143 |
5143 |
# sh = common shares outstanding in billions of shares
TABLE 2: Descriptive Statistics of Base Sample by Year, 1994-1998
1994 |
1994 |
1995 |
1995 |
1995 |
1996 |
1996 |
1996 |
1997 |
1997 |
1997 |
1998 |
1998 |
1998 |
1999 |
#sh |
R |
#sh |
R |
#sh |
R |
#sh |
R |
#sh |
R |
I. Both Markets Portfolio A |
Mean |
565.3 |
1.406 |
0.549 |
644 |
1.302 |
0.714 |
937.6 |
1.36 |
0.748 |
670.2 |
1.496 |
0.391 |
1021.1 |
1.364 |
1.84 |
Median |
40.1 |
1.017 |
0.024 |
41.9 |
0.965 |
0.202 |
42.4 |
1 |
0.245 |
45.4 |
1.059 |
0.022 |
50 |
1 |
0.393 |
Deviation |
2971.9 |
1.272 |
1.528 |
3598.9 |
1.172 |
1.475 |
4918.9 |
1.23 |
1.252 |
3405.2 |
1.362 |
1.079 |
4499.2 |
1.285 |
2.612 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.007 |
-1 |
1 |
0.003 |
-0.998 |
1 |
0.01 |
-0.998 |
1.5 |
0.004 |
-0.998 |
1 |
0.002 |
-0.999 |
Maximum |
55417.3 |
6.226 |
10.431 |
49402.2 |
6.053 |
4.38 |
69744.7 |
5.851 |
30.043 |
56733.1 |
6.625 |
4.378 |
63250.4 |
6.786 |
35.11 |
Count |
926 |
926 |
926 |
995 |
995 |
995 |
888 |
888 |
888 |
1122 |
1122 |
1122 |
591 |
591 |
591 |
II. Both Markets Portfolio B |
Mean |
433.2 |
-1.827 |
0.001 |
572.8 |
-1.621 |
0.421 |
670.6 |
-1.577 |
0.179 |
876.6 |
-2.207 |
0.305 |
812 |
-4.901 |
0.886 |
Median |
24.5 |
-1.208 |
-0.092 |
31.6 |
-1.142 |
0.065 |
32 |
-1.058 |
0.106 |
42.2 |
-1.23 |
-0.069 |
37.2 |
-2.865 |
-0.368 |
Deviation |
2473.9 |
1.812 |
1.562 |
3100.1 |
1.586 |
1.593 |
3508.3 |
1.505 |
1.367 |
4546.8 |
2.558 |
.847 |
3826.5 |
5.107 |
2.773 |
Minimum |
1 |
-9.154 |
-1 |
1 |
-8.5 |
-1 |
1 |
-7.154 |
-1 |
1.5 |
-14.321 |
-1 |
1 |
-21.333 |
-1 |
Maximum |
46703.8 |
-0.01 |
5.793 |
56172.1 |
-0.005 |
8.264 |
65534.1 |
-0.002 |
14.162 |
71761.9 |
-0.01 |
4.727 |
73028.6 |
-0.013 |
67.29 |
Count |
1087 |
1087 |
1087 |
1578 |
1578 |
1578 |
1106 |
1106 |
1106 |
1200 |
1200 |
1200 |
1522 |
1522 |
1522 |
III. Asia/Pacific Portfolio A |
Mean |
195.7 |
1.48 |
0.158 |
276.9 |
1.444 |
0.169 |
394.9 |
1.61 |
0.817 |
592 |
1.508 |
0.078 |
853.1 |
1.3156 |
1.153 |
Median |
27.3 |
1.018 |
-0.119 |
39.1 |
0.851 |
0.052 |
74.5 |
1.303 |
-0.41 |
97.1 |
1.014 |
-0.115 |
50 |
0.9587 |
0.34 |
Deviation |
397.1 |
.773 |
.654 |
740.8 |
.767 |
.509 |
826.2 |
1.422 |
1.217 |
1603.2 |
1.514 |
.692 |
3565.5 |
1.2914 |
2.721 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.04 |
-0.998 |
1 |
0.035 |
-0.994 |
2.3 |
0.014 |
-0.88 |
3.1 |
0.02 |
-0.997 |
1.1 |
0.0016 |
-0.999 |
Maximum |
2864.8 |
6.226 |
7.598 |
5323.8 |
5.597 |
4.38 |
5371.9 |
5.368 |
27.92 |
11989.8 |
6.071 |
1.096 |
43595.7 |
6.626 |
35.031 |
Count |
84 |
84 |
84 |
70 |
70 |
70 |
78 |
78 |
78 |
64 |
64 |
64 |
375 |
375 |
375 |
IV. Asia/Pacific Portfolio B |
Mean |
119.2 |
-1.777 |
-0.175 |
116.6 |
-1.669 |
-0.02 |
182.6 |
-1.737 |
-0.172 |
496.4 |
-3.415 |
-0.203 |
736.8 |
-4.588 |
0.324 |
Median |
20.7 |
-1.221 |
-0.23 |
19.2 |
-1.28 |
-0.231 |
33.7 |
-1.16 |
-0.474 |
41.5 |
-2.507 |
-0.017 |
45 |
-2.444 |
-0.277 |
Deviation |
448.6 |
1.771 |
.773 |
380.7 |
1.502 |
.767 |
529.1 |
1.655 |
1.122 |
1234.4 |
3.095 |
.551 |
3436.2 |
4.959 |
2.859 |
Minimum |
1.1 |
-8.714 |
-0.999 |
1 |
-7 |
-0.995 |
1.2 |
-7.081 |
-0.985 |
2.2 |
-14.321 |
-0.999 |
1 |
-21.333 |
-1 |
Maximum |
3993.6 |
-0.059 |
4.802 |
4016.8 |
-0.033 |
7.123 |
3894.6 |
-0.021 |
13.426 |
8694.6 |
-0.049 |
1.712 |
71294.5 |
-0.013 |
62.421 |
Count |
104 |
104 |
104 |
133 |
133 |
133 |
117 |
117 |
117 |
128 |
128 |
128 |
868 |
868 |
868 |
V. Europe Portfolio A |
Mean |
602.2 |
1.399 |
0.588 |
671.8 |
1.291 |
0.755 |
989.8 |
1.336 |
0.5 |
674.9 |
1.496 |
0.42 |
1312.8 |
1.449 |
3.033 |
Median |
41.9 |
1.017 |
0.037 |
42 |
0.978 |
0.212 |
40.9 |
1 |
0.274 |
43.4 |
1.059 |
0.03 |
50.2 |
1.124 |
0.579 |
Deviation |
3111.9 |
1.253 |
1.634 |
3725.8 |
1.15 |
1.487 |
5141.3 |
1.202 |
1.361 |
3484.8 |
1.353 |
1.094 |
5770.8 |
1.273 |
2.476 |
Minimum |
1 |
0.007 |
-1 |
1 |
0.003 |
-0.998 |
1 |
0.01 |
-0.998 |
1.5 |
0.004 |
-0.998 |
1 |
0.013 |
-0.999 |
Maximum |
55417.3 |
6 |
10.431 |
49402.2 |
6.053 |
3.128 |
69744.7 |
5.851 |
30.043 |
56733.1 |
6.625 |
4.378 |
63250.4 |
6.786 |
35.11 |
Count |
842 |
842 |
842 |
925 |
925 |
925 |
810 |
810 |
810 |
1058 |
1058 |
1058 |
216 |
216 |
216 |
VI. Europe Portfolio B |
Mean |
466.4 |
-1.833 |
0.02 |
614.7 |
-1.617 |
0.462 |
728.4 |
-1.558 |
0.221 |
921.3 |
-2.062 |
0.344 |
911.8 |
-5.318 |
1.631 |
Median |
24.8 |
-1.208 |
-0.078 |
33.4 |
-1.132 |
0.091 |
31.7 |
-1.034 |
0.151 |
42.4 |
-1.169 |
-0.079 |
26.9 |
-3.407 |
-0.454 |
Deviation |
2595.3 |
1.817 |
1.673 |
3234.4 |
1.594 |
1.629 |
3701.5 |
1.486 |
1.453 |
4787.8 |
2.448 |
.951 |
4290.8 |
5.272 |
2.537 |
Minimum |
1 |
-9.154 |
-1 |
1 |
-8.5 |
-1 |
1 |
-7.154 |
-1 |
1.5 |
-14.263 |
-1 |
1 |
-21.065 |
-1 |
Maximum |
46703.8 |
-0.01 |
5.793 |
56172.1 |
-0.005 |
8.264 |
65534.1 |
-0.002 |
14.162 |
71761.9 |
-0.01 |
4.727 |
73028.6 |
-0.016 |
67.29 |
Count |
983 |
983 |
983 |
1445 |
1445 |
1445 |
989 |
989 |
989 |
1073 |
1073 |
1073 |
654 |
654 |
654 |
TABLE 3: Mean Returns of Stocks in Portfolio A vs. Mean Returns of Stocks
in Portfolio B by Year, 1995-1999
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
1999 |
I. Both Markets |
Mean Return
of Stocks in A |
0.549 |
0.714 |
0.748 |
0.391 |
1.840 |
Mean Return
of Stocks in B |
0.001 |
0.421 |
0.179 |
0.305 |
0.886 |
Mean Return
Difference |
0.548 |
0.293 |
0.569 |
0.086 |
0.954 |
t-Statistics |
7.938**** |
4.756**** |
9.681**** |
2.127* |
7.405**** |
II. Asia/Pacific Market |
Mean Return
of Stocks in A |
0.158 |
0.169 |
0.817 |
0.078 |
1.153 |
Mean Return
of Stocks in B |
-0.175 |
-0.020 |
-0.172 |
-0.203 |
0.324 |
Mean Return
Difference |
0.333 |
0.189 |
0.989 |
0.281 |
0.829 |
t-Statistics |
3.199** |
2.097* |
5.734**** |
2.831** |
4.855**** |
III. Europe Market |
Mean Return
of Stocks in A |
0.588 |
0.755 |
0.500 |
0.420 |
3.033 |
Mean Return
of Stocks in B |
0.020 |
0.462 |
0.221 |
0.344 |
1.631 |
Mean Return
Difference |
0.568 |
0.293 |
0.279 |
0.076 |
1.402 |
t-Statistics |
7.322**** |
4.507**** |
4.196**** |
1.711 |
7.171**** |
* Significant at .05
**Significant at
.005 level
***Significant at
.001 level
****Significant at
.0001 level
TABLE 4: Regression of Stock Returns on Stock Earnings Surprises, 1994-1999
Coefficients |
Error |
t-Statistics |
P-Value |
R-Square |
Observations |
I. Both Markets Portfolio A |
Intercept |
0.5432 |
0.1937 |
2.8036 |
0.0051 |
0.1515 |
0.1029 |
1.4722 |
0.1410 |
0.0005 |
4522 |
II. Both Markets Portfolio B |
Intercept |
0.6200 |
0.1176 |
5.2728 |
0.0000 |
0.0882** |
0.0285 |
3.0952 |
0.0020 |
0.0015 |
6493 |
III. Asia/Pacific Portfolio A |
Intercept |
0.0622 |
0.6127 |
0.1016 |
0.9191 |
0.7117* |
0.3126 |
2.2763 |
0.0231 |
0.0077 |
671 |
IV. Asia/Pacific Portfolio B |
Intercept |
0.5690 |
0.1195 |
4.7608 |
0.0000 |
0.0997**** |
0.0209 |
4.7789 |
0.0000 |
0.0167 |
1350 |
V. Europe Portfolio A |
Intercept |
0.6533 |
0.2001 |
3.2655 |
0.0011 |
0.0340 |
0.1070 |
0.3175 |
0.7509 |
0.0000 |
3851 |
VI. Europe Portfolio B |
Intercept |
0.6184 |
0.1459 |
4.2384 |
0.0000 |
0.0764 |
0.0407 |
1.8784 |
0.0604 |
0.0007 |
5143 |
* Significant at .05
**Significant at
.005 level
****Significant at
.0001 level
TABLE 5: Descriptive Statistics of SUE and Return for Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-A20, 1994-1998
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
I. Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-A5 |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
A5 |
Mean |
5.239 |
1.318 |
3.950 |
0.904 |
3.122 |
0.331 |
2.516 |
1.841 |
2.015 |
0.539 |
Median |
5.311 |
0.292 |
4.066 |
0.294 |
3.109 |
0.095 |
2.412 |
0.392 |
1.887 |
-0.055 |
Deviation |
0.556 |
0.830 |
0.450 |
0.851 |
0.396 |
1.111 |
0.435 |
1.890 |
0.320 |
1.683 |
Minimum |
4.200 |
-0.960 |
3.238 |
-0.972 |
2.553 |
-0.977 |
1.918 |
-0.997 |
1.717 |
-0.997 |
Maximum |
6.626 |
28.008 |
4.863 |
27.921 |
3.897 |
4.934 |
3.248 |
35.031 |
2.957 |
14.550 |
Count |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
II. Asia/Pacific Portfolios A6-A10 |
A6 |
A7 |
A8 |
A9 |
A10 |
Mean |
1.708 |
0.678 |
1.520 |
0.998 |
1.339 |
0.558 |
1.187 |
0.681 |
1.052 |
0.316 |
Median |
1.676 |
0.067 |
1.453 |
0.197 |
1.256 |
-0.124 |
1.119 |
0.296 |
1.009 |
0.091 |
Deviation |
0.149 |
1.784 |
0.183 |
1.121 |
0.176 |
1.316 |
0.164 |
0.953 |
0.130 |
0.834 |
Minimum |
1.494 |
-0.879 |
1.282 |
-0.964 |
1.147 |
-0.990 |
0.935 |
-0.995 |
0.870 |
-0.829 |
Maximum |
2.175 |
7.027 |
1.901 |
17.271 |
1.771 |
10.421 |
1.545 |
11.104 |
1.389 |
3.429 |
Count |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
III. Asia/Pacific Portfolios A11-A15 |
A11 |
A12 |
A13 |
A14 |
A15 |
Mean |
0.928 |
0.896 |
0.808 |
-0.039 |
0.686 |
1.387 |
0.573 |
0.244 |
0.448 |
0.829 |
Median |
0.927 |
0.212 |
0.768 |
-0.080 |
0.659 |
0.081 |
0.545 |
0.001 |
0.432 |
-0.055 |
Deviation |
0.112 |
1.855 |
0.105 |
0.665 |
0.100 |
1.641 |
0.100 |
1.167 |
0.070 |
1.403 |
Minimum |
0.743 |
-0.994 |
0.683 |
-0.999 |
0.576 |
-0.974 |
0.478 |
-0.994 |
0.368 |
-0.999 |
Maximum |
1.250 |
15.771 |
1.010 |
1.567 |
0.947 |
18.167 |
0.866 |
5.000 |
0.634 |
17.598 |
Count |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
IV. Asia/Pacific Portfolios A16-A20 |
A16 |
A17 |
A18 |
A19 |
A20 |
Mean |
0.338 |
0.217 |
0.261 |
0.453 |
0.184 |
0.525 |
0.111 |
0.231 |
0.047 |
0.272 |
Median |
0.320 |
0.009 |
0.237 |
0.084 |
0.164 |
0.022 |
0.109 |
0.072 |
0.042 |
-0.022 |
Deviation |
0.071 |
1.055 |
0.061 |
1.746 |
0.058 |
1.325 |
0.033 |
1.271 |
0.028 |
1.076 |
Minimum |
0.256 |
-0.998 |
0.189 |
-0.955 |
0.100 |
-0.845 |
0.038 |
-0.997 |
0.002 |
-0.838 |
Maximum |
0.531 |
4.333 |
0.417 |
9.691 |
0.353 |
5.155 |
0.191 |
6.797 |
0.114 |
4.692 |
Count |
33 |
33 |
34 |
34 |
33 |
33 |
33 |
33 |
35 |
35 |
TABLE 6: Descriptive Statistics of SUE and Return for Asia/Pacific Portfolios B1-B20, 1994-1998
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
SUEt |
Rt+1 |
I. Asia/Pacific Portfolios B1-B5 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
Mean |
-0.101 |
0.304 |
-0.271 |
0.555 |
-0.416 |
0.820 |
-0.592 |
0.554 |
-0.764 |
0.940 |
Median |
-0.091 |
0.047 |
-0.262 |
0.019 |
-0.413 |
-0.071 |
-0.573 |
0.189 |
-0.791 |
0.067 |
Deviation |
0.078 |
1.508 |
0.108 |
1.646 |
0.106 |
1.143 |
0.129 |
1.404 |
0.157 |
1.394 |
Minimum |
-0.403 |
-0.993 |
-0.578 |
-1.000 |
-0.703 |
-0.999 |
-0.955 |
-1.000 |
-1.062 |
-0.990 |
Maximum |
-0.013 |
10.944 |
-0.061 |
9.227 |
-0.143 |
49.855 |
-0.298 |
7.016 |
-0.438 |
19.426 |
Count |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
II. Asia/Pacific Portfolios B6-B10 |
B6 |
B7 |
B8 |
B9 |
B10 |
Mean |
-0.950 |
0.992 |
-1.157 |
0.232 |
-1.406 |
1.415 |
-1.652 |
1.377 |
-1.965 |
0.409 |
Median |
-1.000 |
0.008 |
-1.230 |
-0.037 |
-1.515 |
-0.054 |
-1.847 |
-0.152 |
-2.140 |
-0.059 |
Deviation |
0.224 |
1.068 |
0.289 |
1.695 |
0.353 |
1.111 |
0.409 |
1.204 |
0.491 |
1.086 |
Minimum |
-1.448 |
-0.995 |
-1.725 |
-0.999 |
-1.951 |
-0.997 |
-2.288 |
-1.000 |
-2.513 |
-1.000 |
Maximum |
-0.553 |
26.670 |
-0.667 |
12.241 |
-0.768 |
56.755 |
-0.842 |
62.421 |
-1.038 |
14.712 |
Count |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
66 |
66 |
68 |
68 |
III. Asia/Pacific Portfolios B11-B15 |
B11 |
B12 |
B13 |
B14 |
B15 |
Mean |
-2.377 |
-0.078 |
-2.877 |
-0.063 |
-3.474 |
-0.310 |
-4.249 |
-0.412 |
-4.968 |
-0.427 |
Median |
-2.651 |
-0.297 |
-3.226 |
-0.315 |
-3.896 |
-0.549 |
-5.000 |
-0.461 |
-5.960 |
-0.589 |
Deviation |
0.670 |
1.023 |
0.841 |
1.169 |
1.169 |
0.825 |
1.486 |
0.573 |
1.885 |
0.570 |
Minimum |
-3.083 |
-1.000 |
-3.755 |
-1.000 |
-4.845 |
-1.000 |
-5.650 |
-1.000 |
-6.851 |
-1.000 |
Maximum |
-1.174 |
3.880 |
-1.357 |
4.403 |
-1.513 |
2.880 |
-1.641 |
1.612 |
-1.842 |
1.905 |
Count |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
IV. Asia/Pacific Portfolios B16-B20 |
B16 |
B17 |
B18 |
B19 |
B20 |
Mean |
-6.034 |
-0.494 |
-7.136 |
-0.509 |
-8.844 |
-0.434 |
-10.592 |
-0.404 |
-14.613 |
-0.516 |
Median |
-7.101 |
-0.708 |
-8.662 |
-0.609 |
-10.343 |
-0.772 |
-12.857 |
-0.613 |
-17.105 |
-0.724 |
Deviation |
2.239 |
0.624 |
2.796 |
0.584 |
3.350 |
0.801 |
4.571 |
0.869 |
5.492 |
0.653 |
Minimum |
-8.254 |
-1.000 |
-9.800 |
-1.000 |
-12.344 |
-1.000 |
-15.634 |
-1.000 |
-21.333 |
-1.000 |
Maximum |
-2.005 |
2.910 |
-2.330 |
2.578 |
-2.713 |
4.050 |
-3.249 |
4.701 |
-5.000 |
3.643 |
Count |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
67 |
67 |
68 |
68 |
TABLE 7: Regression of Portfolio Returns on Portfolio Earnings Surprises, 1994-1999
Coefficient |
Error |
t-Statistics |
P-Value |
R-Square |
Observations |
I. Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-A20 |
Intercept |
.4301 |
.1352 |
3.1803 |
.0052 |
.1633* |
.0696 |
2.3456 |
.0307 |
.2341 |
20 |
II. Asia/Pacific Portfolios B1-B20 |
Intercept |
.6321 |
.1494 |
4.2314 |
0.0005 |
.1168*** |
.0279 |
4.5122 |
0.0006 |
.4926 |
20 |
Panel III.
Asia/Pacific Portfolios A1-B20
Intercept |
.5533 |
.0734 |
7.5341 |
0.0000 |
0.1078**** |
0.0183 |
5.9060 |
0.0000 |
.4786 |
40 |
IV. Europe Portfolios A1-A20 |
Intercept |
0.6381 |
0.2235 |
2.8545 |
0.0105 |
0.0440 |
0.1207 |
0.3648 |
0.7195 |
0.0073 |
20 |
V. Europe Portfolios B1-B20 |
Intercept |
0.6374 |
0.2038 |
3.1275 |
0.0058 |
0.0933 |
0.0640 |
1.4576 |
0.1622 |
0.1056 |
20 |
VI. Europe Portfolios A1-B20 |
Intercept |
0.5975 |
0.1032 |
5.7918 |
0.0000 |
0.0785 |
0.0396 |
1.9813 |
0.0548 |
0.0936 |
40 |
VII. All Portfolios |
Intercept |
0.5752 |
0.0631 |
9.1128 |
0.0000 |
0.0999**** |
0.0186 |
5.3610 |
0.0000 |
02693 |
80 |
* Significant at .05
***Significant at
.001 level
****Significant at
.0001 level
FIGURE 1: Mean Returns of
Stocks in Both Markets Portfolio A vs. Mean Returns of Stocks in Both Markets
Portfolio B by Year, 1995-1999
FIGURE 2: Mean Returns of Stocks in Asia/Pacific Portfolio A
vs. Mean Returns of Stocks in Asia/Pacific Portfolio B by Year, 1995-1999
FIGURE 3: Mean Returns of Stocks in Europe Portfolio A vs. Mean Returns of Stocks in Europe Portfolio B by Year, 1995-1999
1 The author is grateful for the contribution of Institutional Brokers Estimate System, Inc. for providing the earnings expectations data used in this study.
2 Foreign currencies are converted to U S dollars based upon the exchange rates as of December 16 in each year, 1994-1999, complied in I/B/E/S database.
3 Descriptive Statistics of SUE and Return for Europe Portfolios A1-A20 and B10-B20 are available upon request.
4 The portfolios returns were extremely low in 1998 due to the currency crisis in Asia/Pacific that year.
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