The Distance and Distributed Education Center (also known as UWG Online) makes higher education a possibility for those who face obstacles to taking undergraduate or graduate courses in a traditional face-to-face classroom setting. We seek to extend the ability to earn credit toward a degree or certification program to those whose life circumstances, such as work, family, or distance, make attending face-to-face traditional classes impractical. Through distance learning, students can attend class whenever and wherever is convenient to them just with the use of an internet connection. Our diverse student population is spread across the country and internationally.

Our staff is dedicated to helping students succeed in online courses and enabling distance faculty to focus on teaching rather than technology. For information about online learning and how to get started, please view the Online Student Guide.

UWG Online: Who Are We? What Do We Offer? (PDF)


Institutional Distance Learning Goals

  • Plan and create distance learning environments that encourage and support excellence in a personal environment
  • Maintain the human and technical resources and network infrastructure necessary to successfully support and deliver distance and distributed learning.
  • Provide academic and student services appropriate to meet the needs of distance and distributed learners.
  • Conduct continuous evaluation of distance and distributed learning and support services to ensure the advancement of the university's mission.
  • Support research, scholarship, and creative endeavors which promote knowledge of distance learning.