Go West Early for Coweta County Students!

Go West Early, COWETA County!
Jumpstart your college career through our Go West Early Cohort!
Specific Coweta County students are selected to participate in this program! If you are interested in joining, contact your high school counselor for more information! To check off part of the process you can start your UWG application today!
UNlimitED potential. Go West!
Our mission is to provide ambitious Coweta County High School students like you the opportunity to experience university-level education while still in high school. Our Go West Early dual enrollment program offers a superb chance to get a head start in your pursuit of a college degree by earning college credits and credit towards high school graduation.
Through the UWG and Coweta County partnership, we are able to provide a streamlined admissions process, an organized curriculum, and even free transportation. Unleash your potential and explore your opportunity West!
Start Your Go West Early Journey Today!
- Reach out to your high school counselor and let them know you are interested in joining this cohort.
Complete an online UWG Dual Enrollment Application (Students must be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grades to participate in the Go West Early program)
Submit an Official High School Transcript
- Submit Official SAT or ACT Scores (For 10th grade students)
- Complete the GAFutures Funding Application
- Submit Verification of Lawful Presence
- Submit Immunization Records
Students participating in our fall or spring cohorts are provided transportation by UWG and their high school at no additional cost to the student. Other expenses, including lab fees, course supplies, meals, and personal expenses, are the responsibility of the student and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s).
Additional credit hours and classes not on the approved course list must be paid out of pocket. Classes taken from the approved course list do not count against HOPE scholarship hours.
Frequently asked questions
Once admitted into the program, what are my next steps?
All Go West Early scholars will attend a Go West Early Orientation prior to the start of the semester, where you'll learn how to navigate campus, stay on track, and utilize university resources. This includes obtaining a Wolves ID card and Parking Pass (if not utilizing bus transportation).
How will I get to UWG?
Transportation to and from UWG is available for students participating in cohort classes through Go West Early.
When are my classes and what classes will I take?
We have partnered with your high school to schedule courses to work within your school day.
Can I participate in transportation services if I am not in the cohort?
As of right now, transportation is only available for students who will be participating in cohort classes.
Would I be considered a UWG student or a student of my high school?
Both! Go West Early means that you are both a student at your high school AND a student at UWG. You have the ability to join clubs and organizations, use UWG academic and social resources, and even attend our sporting events for FREE!
Will this interfere with my ability to graduate high school?
No. Go West Early courses satisfy high school graduation requirements AND college level credit at the same time.
Can I still participate in activities and play sports at my current High School?
Yes! Class times are scheduled so you can still return to your high school by the time after-school extracurriculars begin.
Can I participate in cohort classes and provide my own transportation?
Yes! You can participate in cohort classes and choose not to take the bus to and from your home high school.
What happens after I graduate?
Many of our students choose to stay at UWG and finish degree requirements for bachelor's degrees. Already completed your cohort classes? Apply as a full-time student (post high school graduation) at UWG for FREE here.
What if I am struggling with my course(s)?
There are tons of resources for you including our staff as well as tutoring services FREE for all students in the Center for Academic Success!
Who should I contact if I have additional questions?
Feel free to email us at gowestearly@westga.edu or your high school counselor.
dates and deadlines
Click here to view important dates and deadlines related to Dual Enrollment and Go West Early at UWG.
Contact our Go west Early Team
We are here for you! If you need any assistance at with the Go West Early process contact our team at gowestearly@westga.edu
Go West Early VR Carosel

Dual Enrollment Information
Looking to Stay west?
For current Go West Go Early Scholars: click here to fill out a Prior UWG Enrolled Application (it's free!) and you'll receive more information as you move through the process.
For more information, please contact Admissions by phone at (678) 839-5600 or by email at dualenroll@westga.edu.