Admissions Process and Requirements

Conditional transfer students can be conditionally admitted to UWG and are able to register for Housing and Orientation. If you are in progress to thirty transferable credit hours, apply and officially submit your in progress transcript. No need to wait until the end of the semester.

A transfer applicant must submit the following items before an admissions decision can be made:

  1. Application for Undergraduate Admissions
  2. $40 non-refundable application fee (If mailing a paper application, please do not mail cash payment.) If you qualify use the NACAC Transfer fee waiver and email to See if you qualify and get more information here.
  3. Official transcript(s) from each college previously attended (if applicable)
  4. Official, preliminary transcript from the college that you are currently attending with your classes currently in progress


University of West Georgia Application for Admission, accompanied by $40 non-refundable application fee. 

If mailing a paper application, please do not mail cash payment.

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