Admissions Frequently Asked Questions: Return to Campus
General Return to Campus Questions
How is UWG going to operate in the fall?
- UWG’s intent is to implement approaches and actions that will create an environment that is the most conducive to safe and effective interactions within the day-to-day operations and academics associated with the University of West Georgia.
- The current working plan is for students, faculty, and staff to return to in-person operations and instruction for the Fall 2020 semester. However, plans have been developed if guidance is received to begin classes fully online or transition to online at some point during the semester.
When will classes begin?
UWG will begin Fall 2020 classes as scheduled on Wednesday, Aug. 12.
What happens if I begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19?
If you are a student and begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please call the Student Health Center at 678-839-6452 to schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment. Do not walk in to schedule an appointment. Additionally, do not attend classes. If you live on campus, Housing and Residence Life will identify a safe place where you can self-isolate.
What is the university’s guidance on the use of face coverings on campus?
Effective July 15, 2020, USG institutions, including UWG, will require all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to wear an appropriate face covering while inside campus facilities/buildings where six feet of social distancing may not always be possible. Face covering use will be in addition to, and is not a substitute for, social distancing.
Face coverings are not required in one’s own residence hall room or suite, when alone in an enclosed office or study room, or in campus outdoor settings where social distancing requirements are met.
Anyone not using a face covering when required will be asked to wear one or must leave the area. Repeated refusal to comply with the requirement may result in discipline through the applicable conduct code for faculty, staff, or students.
Reasonable accommodations may be made for those who are unable to wear a face covering for documented health reasons.
Could this plan change?
We are navigating an extremely fluid situation as we respond to the challenges presented by COVID-19. We will continue to follow the guidance of our governing and guiding organizations as the situation develops. We will remain responsive to the changing environment and the guidance we receive from these organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of the Governor of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Public Health, and the University System of Georgia.
What can I expect in my classes at UWG in Fall 2020?
- No student will be prevented from taking a class in a way that works for them. The Division of Academic Affairs has evaluated all courses scheduled for Fall 2020 and has increased the number of hybrid courses, or courses in which technology is used to deliver 50 percent or less of class sessions.
- Class sizes will be scheduled in accordance with normal instructional operation, but remote options will be offered in all courses in the event students cannot attend in person or need to isolate/quarantine during the semester.
What is the academic calendar for Fall 2020?
- The Division of Academic Affairs has modified the Fall 2020 academic calendar in preparation for the upcoming semester, prioritizing the health and safety of the campus community to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
- UWG will begin the semester on Wednesday, Aug. 12, as scheduled, and end regular instruction on Wednesday, Nov. 25. Final exams will be administered remotely so that students do not have to return to campus after Thanksgiving break.
- The complete, modified academic calendar can be found on the Division of Academic Affairs website.
What guidance will students have for social distancing in classrooms?
Courses with fewer than 50 students will be scheduled in rooms in order to maximize social distancing while still providing instruction as close to a traditional format as possible. Large classes (those with more than 50 students) will have attendance split on different days such that students can attend one day a week in person and one remotely. Similar options will be available in many courses regardless of size.
How will campus be cleaned and sanitized? Classroom spaces? Living spaces?
- The Custodial Services department in Facilities and Grounds will provide enhanced sanitation services during UWG’s Return to Campus. Custodial Services will perform enhanced cleaning of instructional spaces each evening.
- Students are responsible for the cleaning and disinfecting of their individual room, to include in-room/suite bathrooms. Cleaning supplies for these locations will be supplied by the student, and it will be recommended they follow CDC recommendations for appropriate cleaning products.
- The cleaning and disinfecting of common areas in living spaces will be carried out by Custodial Services and Housing and Residence Life employees based on a predetermined schedule outlined in the UWG’s Return to Work Plan.
Are classrooms going to be continually cleaned?
Custodial Services will perform enhanced cleaning of instructional spaces each evening. Throughout the day, staff will sanitize high-touch areas in common spaces such as restrooms, lobbies, corridors, elevators, stairs, etc. Details on cleaning classrooms between classes are being finalized.
Housing and Residence Life
When can I move on campus? What does move-in look like for keeping me safe?
To support social distancing, the dates when students will move into residence halls will vary and be based on a number of factors. Students will receive instructions for their move-in day including date, time, and location to their UWG email account by mid-July.
What if my roommate tests positive for COVID-19?
In partnership with the medical team in UWG Health Services – led by former emergency room director Dr. Eric Heine – Housing and Residence Life will work with students as we navigate what a positive COVID-19 status means for both roommates, and ensure everyone’s safety to the best of our ability.
How will my individual room in my residence hall be kept clean?
Residents are responsible for their own cleaning of their rooms. Students should inform their Resident Assistant if they need training or recommendations for cleaning supplies.
How do I social distance with a roommate?
Living in a residence hall is no different than you living at home with family members now. Your roommate and residence hall neighbors become your circle of friends that together ensure we are all staying safe and healthy.
What guidance is being provided to encourage social distancing in the residence halls?
We are educating and encouraging everyone to take personal responsibility to create a safe environment. If you feel uncomfortable with something in your residence hall, speak to your Residence Life Coordinator, and we’ll make whatever adjustments necessary to remind others how important it is to keep everyone in our community healthy. Our goal with these protocols is to build a culture of mutual respect.
If I’m in a high risk category or immunocompromised, can I get a single room?
Please contact Accessibility Services through their website or by calling 678-839-6428. Accessibility Services staff will work with Housing and Residence Life to accommodate all students with medical documentation of unique needs. All student health information will remain confidential.
Student Life
What will our options for dining be like?
Like other restaurants in Georgia, dining services at East Commons and West Commons (Z-6) will be converted to full cafeteria-style dining with socially distanced seating in accordance with guidelines from state agencies including the Office of the Governor of Georgia and the Georgia Department of Public Health. Other facilities will continue to offer food-court style services and retail food services with social distancing and occupancy standards.
Is Pack Premiere still happening?
Yes, Pack Premiere will be UWG’s on-campus experience prior to classes beginning Aug. 12. Please check your UWG email for more information in July.