General Return to Campus Questions

How is UWG going to operate in the fall?

  • UWG’s intent is to implement approaches and actions that will create an environment that is the most conducive to safe and effective interactions within the day-to-day operations and academics associated with the University of West Georgia.
  • The current working plan is for students, faculty, and staff to return to in-person operations and instruction for the Fall 2020 semester. However, plans have been developed if guidance is received to begin classes fully online or transition to online at some point during the semester.

When will classes begin?

UWG will begin Fall 2020 classes as scheduled on Wednesday, Aug. 12.

What happens if I begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19?

If you are a student and begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, please call the Student Health Center at 678-839-6452 to schedule an in-person or telemedicine appointment. Do not walk in to schedule an appointment. Additionally, do not attend classes. If you live on campus, Housing and Residence Life will identify a safe place where you can self-isolate.

What is the university’s guidance on the use of face coverings on campus?

Effective July 15, 2020, USG institutions, including UWG, will require all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to wear an appropriate face covering while inside campus facilities/buildings where six feet of social distancing may not always be possible. Face covering use will be in addition to, and is not a substitute for, social distancing.

Face coverings are not required in one’s own residence hall room or suite, when alone in an enclosed office or study room, or in campus outdoor settings where social distancing requirements are met.

Anyone not using a face covering when required will be asked to wear one or must leave the area. Repeated refusal to comply with the requirement may result in discipline through the applicable conduct code for faculty, staff, or students.

Reasonable accommodations may be made for those who are unable to wear a face covering for documented health reasons.

Could this plan change?

We are navigating an extremely fluid situation as we respond to the challenges presented by COVID-19. We will continue to follow the guidance of our governing and guiding organizations as the situation develops. We will remain responsive to the changing environment and the guidance we receive from these organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of the Governor of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Public Health, and the University System of Georgia.

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