instructor with the archaeology campers

Learn life skills, meet amazing people, and come run with the pack! 

Our Youth Programs and Summer Camps offer a unique experience for youth looking to explore their interests, make new friends, and learn a lot along the way.

Register Today! - UWG Academic Summer 2025 Camps


Wolves Exploration Camp Logo


Join Us At UWG For An Exciting Summer Adventure!

The Wolves Exploration Camp will provide your child with lots of opportunities to run around, get messy, and have fun (while sneaking in a few academic concepts- shhhhhhh, don't tell them!) The purpose of this camp experience is to provide a project-oriented approach to enhance academic instruction. In this test-driven time, schools aren't able to delve into multi-disciplined approaches and allow children to participate in engaging projects. Wolves Exploration Camp will motivate your child to travel into the wonders of learning led by the expert team of instructors.

Ages: Rising Kindergarten through 2nd graders. The Wolves Exploration Camp curriculum is designed for youth who have completed Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or 1st Grade or 5-7 years-of-age.

Session Dates: There are six (6) camp sessions available. Please register for each camp session separately.
Session 1: June 10-13 (4-Day/No Camp on 6/9): Beach Party
Session 2: June 16-20 (4-Day/No Camp on 6/19): Time Travelers
Session 3: June 23-27: The Great Outdoors
Session 4: July 7-11: Lost in Space
Session 5: July 14-18: Animal Planet
Session 6: July 21-25: Wild West

Time: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Drop-off begins at 8:00 AM and all campers must be picked up between 2:30 PM and 3:00 PM.

Location: Camp Sessions will be held in the Education Center at UWG Carrollton.

Registration Fee: $235 for each one week/five-day session/workshop. $188 for each four-day session/workshop. Campers must pack a morning snack and ready to eat lunch and refillable water bottle. Peanut-Free Facility.

Register for Wolves Exploration Camp (K-2)


For complete Policy and Procedures regarding minors on campus, see UWG PL 7004, Protection of Minors on Campus and Associated Procedures.

students on playground

Additional Youth Opportunities

More exciting year-round academic and athletic youth opportunities. Use the links below to see the most up-to-date information.