The University of West Georgia has partnered with Parchment for transcript services. There are three options for delivery of an official transcript. First, transcripts may be ordered to be emailed in PDF form (via Parchment). Second, transcripts can be mailed using standard USPS delivery. Third, transcripts may be ordered for pick up at the Momentum Center. Please note transcripts are destroyed 30 days after the request date. You must have a valid photo ID at the time of pick up. If you wish to fax your transcript after you receive it from the Student Solutions team, it will be considered unofficial.


  1. Go to
  2. Click Order a Transcript
  3. Select the University of West Georgia under the school name label
  4. Read the Information Section of the web page for any updates from the University of West Georgia.
  5. Select “Order PDF Transcript(s)” or “Order Paper Hard-Copy Transcript(s)”
  6. Complete the request in its entirety by following directions on the Parchment site.
    NOTE*If all steps are not completed, your transcript request will not be processed.*

*NOTE: Transcripts requested for pick up are destroyed 30 days after the request date.

Contact Parchment Customer Service at 1-847-716-3005 for any questions or problems.

Semester grades are due the Monday following graduation for a term.

Transcripts will not be available to currently enrolled students until at least 72 hours following when grades are due. We are unable to process requests until all grades have been confirmed by the Office of the Registrar.

If you are currently enrolled in a term and wish to receive a transcript showing your current term grades, please place your request and check the "Hold for Grades" box.

If you are currently enrolled in a term and wish to receive a transcript showing your awarded degree for this term, please place your request and check the "Hold for Degree" box.

Official transcripts contain the University Seal and signature of the Registrar. Official transcripts are sealed in an Office of the Registrar envelope and stamped "Unofficial if Opened" on the seal or sent securely in PDF form through Parchment. Official transcripts include the following information:

  • Student's Current Name on file with the Registrar's Office
  • Last four of Student's Social Security Number
  • Student Address
  • Issued to Address
  • High School
  • Term Admitted to UWG
  • First term attending UWG
  • Transfer Details
  • Dean's List
  • Last Academic Standing
  • Institutional Hours Attempted & Earned Totals
  • Transfer Hours Attempted & Earned Totals
  • Overall Hours Attempted & Earned Totals
  • GPA
  • Major, Minor, and Concentration
  • ACT & SAT Scores submitted to UWG
  • Degree(s) Awarded

Official transcripts do not include the following:

  • GRE or GMAT
  • Student Date of Birth

Yes. If you would like to give someone permission to pick up your Official Transcript from the Momentum Center, please put the person's name on your Parchment transcript request.

You must also request your official transcript through one of the above methods.

The individual picking up your transcript, must bring a photo ID to the Momentum Center to receive your transcript.

Current UWG student's may obtain an unofficial transcript online through myUWG.

  1. Login to your myUWG account
  2. Click on the Self-Service Banner tab in the upper right
  3. Click on the "Student Records" link
  4. Click on the "Viewable Unofficial Transcript" link
  5. To print a copy, you may need to "Select All" prior to printing.

*NOTE: An unofficial UWG transcript includes the same information that is included on an official transcript.

The majority of holds placed on student accounts will prevent a student from requesting an official transcript or viewing an unofficial transcript. If you have a hold on your account that prevents you from requesting a transcript, you will receive an error message. You must clear the holds before proceeding with your request. For fee payment holds, please contact the Office of Student Accounts and Billing Services in Aycock Hall to pay your outstanding fees.