Cases – Frequently Asked Questions
Course Alerts are issued at specific points in the semester for all undergraduate students and are referred to as a Progress Report in Navigate360. Typically, Course Alerts are submitted between Roster Verification and the Withdrawal deadline. When students are marked as Performing Below Expectation, they are either provided with resources or required to attend academic coaching.
Cases are ad hoc updates regarding student performance. Cases can be issued at any point after the Course Alert window closes. Cases issued during the Course Alert period may be closed and instead marked as Performing Below Expectations.
Both Course Alerts and Cases are designed to catch at-risk students before they fail a course. The Center for Academic Success conducts continuous, repeated outreach to students who are marked as Performing Below Expectations to ensure that they have the resources to succeed.
In Navigate360 (also referred to as EAB, or EAB Navigate), you will see a box labeled “Actions” on the right-hand side of the screen. Select “Issue a Case.” This will launch a pop-up where you can search for the student and indicate what concerns you have. Please be sure to include a detailed description of why the case is being issued under the “Additional Comments” section, including any actions that you have taken to address these concerns with the student. The Center for Academic Success staff seeks to address each case individually and knowing what interventions have already been attempted with the student help us be more effective in assisting the student.
The Center for Academic Success staff reviews the case submitted by the instructor and emails the student. Students receiving cases may be encouraged to utilize our academic support services (Academic Coaching, Peer Tutoring, or Supplemental Instruction) or referred to appropriate campus partners, such as the Counseling Center, Financial Aid, or the Office of Community Standards. If no response is received from the student, they will be contacted via email or phone call once a week.
Cases will be closed either upon contact with the student or after four weeks of no response from the student. When a case is closed, comments will be added explaining what was discussed with the student or if no response was received. Cases are also updated after each contact attempt, so instructors may see when attempts are being made to contact the student.
Depending on the case, a CARE report may be submitted if the reasons for concern are related to emotional wellbeing, housing issues, or food security. A member of the CARES team will reach out to the student.
When a case is submitted for a student, an email is sent to designated members of the Center for Academic Success staff as well as any individual who is assigned to the student’s success team. This typically includes the student’s advisor(s), athletic coaches, student success champions, and/or faculty mentors.
Currently, cases can be submitted for Academic Performance, Non-Academic Related Concern, or Referral to Additional Services.
Academic Performance is best used when students are missing assignments, performing below expectations, or have failing grades. When students are marked for their academic performance, the Center for Academic Success connects them with an Academic Coach and a Peer Tutor (when available) to improve class performance.
Non-Academic Related Concern is best used when a student is excessively tardy or absent or does not participate in class. For non-academic concerns, students are encouraged to attend Academic Coaching to address time management issues. Referrals may be made to the Counseling Center if necessary.
Referral to Additional Services cases are assigned to a member of the CARES team, who will work with the student to get them connected to the appropriate resources. A case for this reason does not replace a CARE report.
Instructors can check the status of a case at any point by one of two ways:
- Using the “Quick Search” bar at the top of Navigate360 and going directly to the student’s profile. Cases are listed under the “Reports/Notes” tab of the student’s profile. Instructors can see both open and closed cases here. To view the comments on the case, select “Manage Case.”
- Select the Case button from the toolbar on the left-hand side of Navigate. From there, instructors can filter cases to only those that were opened by them and select “Manage Case” to view updates.
Instructors are encouraged to add any updates as needed to the cases they have issued. It is recommended that comments be added to open cases instead of issuing multiple cases for the same course for individual students. For any questions about updating cases, please email Kate Verheyn at