Nursing writing on a clip board

Health Professionals

This focus area would be of interest to those seeking a career in healthcare with a focus on nursing and employment within the field of nursing. Nursing encompasses a wide range of opportunities for employment outside the traditional hospital setting.

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Health Professional

The Health Professions meta-major at the University of West Georgia currently encompasses the Tanner Health School of Nursing.

Nurses are employed in physician and other healthcare provider offices and clinics, the school system, public health departments, law offices, insurance company facilities, research labs, government offices and facilities, and a myriad of other organizations and institutions. The range of care nurses provide opens up opportunities for those wishing to become part of a world-wide profession or those who wish to work with a specified population in providing care or services to improve or maintain the health of others. Core requirements for the health professions meta-major include courses focused on the social and biological sciences such as psychology, sociology, anatomy and physiology, and microbiology. A broad base of understanding of human behavior and of human biological function is essential to success in this meta-major.

Program Map

Year 1 Courses


C1: ENGL 1101

English Composition I (3 Credit Hours)

M: MATH 1001/1111/1113

Quantitative Skills and Reasoning, College Algebra or Precalculus (3 Credit Hours)

I2: XIDS 2002

First-Year Seminar Course (2 Credit Hours)

T1: BIOL 1107 OR CHEM 1151

Principles of Biology I or Survey of Chemistry I + lab sections (4 Credit Hours)

S2: Social Science

Elective Course (3 Credit Hours)


  • Schedule an advising appointment with your Academic Advisor. 
  • Begin exploring academic resources
    • Center for Academic Success: Peer Academic Coaching, Peer Tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI)
    • Career Services for Career Counseling


C2: ENGL 1102

English Composition II (3 Credit Hours)

T3: MATH 1401

Elementary Statistics (3 Credit Hours)

P1: HIST 2111 OR 2112

US History (3 Credit Hours)

T2: BIOL 1108 OR Chem 1152

Principles of Biology II or Survey of Chemistry II + lab sections (4 Credit Hours)


  • Schedule an advising appointment with your Academic Advisor. 
  • Begin researching CNA programs for upcoming summer completion (recommended). 
  • At the end of Year 1 Term 2, your required core IMPACTS STEM sequence should be successfully completed.

Interested in exploring other majors at UWG?

We have a variety of majors in addition to Nursing that allow students to work in diverse health-care and helping professions! See information below or set up a time to discuss these with your advisor.

Bachelor of Science in Social and Behavioral Health

The Bachelor of Science in Social and Behavioral Health provides students with the opportunity to learn foundation skills necessary to succeed in the dynamic health and social services environments. Courses in the program teach students how community and social factors contribute to a variety of public health problems, policies, and solutions; how to design, administer, and assess social service and/or behavioral health programs to ensure their quality and effectiveness; and how to help people navigate the healthcare system to find the resources they need to be healthy. Students will learn this through courses in health services, health analytics, complementary & alternative healthcare, cultural & social aspects of health, and behavioral & mental health. Upon graduation, students are prepared for advanced graduate and professional school education, and for entrance into the job market in a variety of health- and social services-related settings such as hospitals, public health agencies, research laboratories, mental health agencies, assisted living facilities, insurance companies, rehabilitation facilities, and non-profit organizations caring for marginalized populations. 

Health and Community Wellness

With Health and Community Wellness, students have the option of taking 15 credit hours of electives or choosing an approved minor such as Biology, Business Administration, Management, Psychology, Sociology, Nutrition Promotion & Education, Sport Management, Coaching, or others. Students also have the option to choose 1 of 4 professional tracks: Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, or Dietetics. These tracks will prepare students to apply for a Master's or doctoral program in the designated field of study.

Health Professional Information

Wolf Watch

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