Test List
All exams start approximately at the time of the scheduled appointment to ensure adequate testing time is provided to the examinee. Any examinee that arrives fifteen minutes (or later) after the scheduled exam time will be asked to reschedule for a later date in accordance with the 48-hour exam scheduling policy. Walk-in exams cannot be accommodated due to strict testing schedule.
- Accommodated Testing for Students
- Accuplacer and POST exams
- ACT On-Campus Exam
- eCore Proctored Exams
- GA History and Constitution Proficiency Exams
- Graduate Foreign Language Exam
- National SAT & ACT exams
- Non-UWG Proctoring Services
- UWG Online Proctored Exams
Are you looking for: AAB, Kryterion, ASBOG, Graduate Music Diagnostic, or Departmental Challenge Exams? Please contact testwest@westga.edu for more information and scheduling