
Technology Learning Center - Room 3214
Office Hours
Monday and Tuesday: 12:30-4:00

Dusty Dye

Dr. Dye holds degrees from Berry College (B.A.), the University of West Georgia (M.A.), and the University of Maryland, College Park (Ph.D.). She specializes in American history with a focus on early America, particularly the colonial period and the American Revolution. She also has interest in death studies, including American funereal culture, historic cemeteries, and the relationship between memorialization and politics. Her dissertation, A Decent External Sorrow: Death, Mourning, and the American Revolution, examines the ways in which the funereal culture of early America reflected the realities of colonial life, the turmoil of the American Revolution, and the uncertainties of the Early Republic. Dr. Dye is also a trained public historian with interests in museum studies and public memory.

  • B.A., Bachelor of Arts (with Honors) in History, Berry College, 2009
  • M.A., Master of Arts in History and Public History, University of West Georgia, 2011
  • Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy in History, University of Maryland, College Park, 2022

Spring 2025 Sections

Fall 2024 Sections

Summer 2024 Sections

Spring 2024 Sections

Fall 2023 Sections

The American Revolution

The Colonial Crisis (1763-1773) and the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) with emphasis on colonial protests before the war and the lives of soldiers and civilians during the war. 

Colonial America

Roughly 1609-1776 with emphasis on religion, culture, and politics in the British American colonies.

Early America

Time period spanning roughly 1600-1865.

Public Memory

Refers to public memorialization of people and historic events in America.

Death Studies

Related to the history of the ideas, rituals, and material culture surrounding death in the United States.