
Technology Learning Center - Room 2226
Office Hours
Spring 2024
M 12:30-1:30 pm in person
T 1:00-3:00 pm in person
W 9:30-10:30 am, 12:30-1:30 pm in person
By appointment, in person or via Google Meet

Download curriculum vitae for Jeffrey Zamostny, Ph.D. in PDF
Jeffrey Zamostny, Ph.D.

Jeffrey Zamostny is Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research (Honors College/University College) and Professor of Spanish in the program in International Languages & Cultures. He is also the QEP Champion for the College of Arts, Culture, and Scientific Inquiry. As Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research, he oversees UWG's annual Scholars' Day Undergraduate Research Conference, Student Research Travel Awards, Student Research Assistant Program (SRAP), Undergraduate Research High Impact Practice (HIP) tagging, and efforts to help students apply for national scholarships and fellowships. He also works closely with the Honors College on initiatives such as the 2023 Honors in Ireland study abroad program. As QEP Champion, he supports UWG's proposed Quality Enhancement Plan, "Career Readiness through Experiential Learning."

As Professor of Spanish, Zamostny's research studies questions of gender, sexuality, celebrity, and fandom in Silver Age Spain (1898-1936). He is interested in how understudied forms such as kiosk novels, illustrated magazines, silent film, and modern dance open new windows onto the study of early twentieth-century Spanish culture. His volume Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture (co-edited with Susan Larson) appeared with Intellect in 2017 and was presented at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. His translation of Elena Fortun's novel Hidden Path came out with Swan Isle Press in 2021 and was presented via Zoom with the Instituto Cervantes-Chicago. As a member of the Spanish research team Mnemosine (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Zamostny co-edited with Dolores Romero López the volume Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain (Peter Lang, 2022). His journal articles appear in venues such as MLN, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, Hispanófila, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, and Mediodía. Revista Hispánica de Rescate.

Zamostny enjoys teaching Spanish language, literature, and culture courses across the undergraduate curriculum. He has also taught interdisciplinary courses in English on gender and sexuality, fandom and fan studies, language and identity, and Honors research. He was UWG's nominee for the USG Regents' Teaching Award for Individual Faculty Excellence (2016) and winner of the Foreign Language Association of Georgia Teacher of Promise Award (2014).

  • B.A., Spanish, McDaniel College (Westminister, Maryland), 2007
  • Graduate Certificate, Social Theory, University of Kentucky, 2010
  • Ph.D., Hispanic Studies, University of Kentucky, 2012

Summer 2024 Sections

Spring 2024 Sections

Fall 2023 Sections

Summer 2023 Sections

Spring 2023 Sections

Fall 2022 Sections

Summer 2022 Sections

Spring 2022 Sections

Fall 2021 Sections

Spring 2021 Sections

Fall 2020 Sections

Summer 2020 Sections

  • SPAN-4012 (Spanish Culture & Civilization) Section: E01

Spring 2020 Sections

  • SPAN-4484 (Senior Capstone) Section: 01
  • SPAN-4785 (ElenaFortun&SpanWomen'sCulture) Section: 01

Spring 2019 Sections

  • SPAN-4200 (Hispanic Film and Literature) Section: 01W
  • SPAN-4200 (Hispanic Film and Literature) Section: 02W

Fall 2018 Sections

  • SPAN-1001 (Elementary Spanish I) Section: 09
  • SPAN-1001 (Elementary Spanish I) Section: 11
  • XIDS-2002 (WDYKA The Honors College) Section: 26H
  • SPAN-3030 (Intro to Hispanic Literature) Section: 01

Summer 2018 Sections

  • SPAN-3101 (Spanish Conversation) Section: 01S
  • SPAN-3102 (Spanish Composition) Section: 01S
  • SPAN-4205 (Hispanic Lit & Cult in Context) Section: 01S

Spring 2018 Sections

  • SPAN-3030 (Intro to Hispanic Literature) Section: 01
  • SPAN-3030 (Intro to Hispanic Literature) Section: 02

Fall 2017 Sections

  • XIDS-2100 (Intro to Gender Studies) Section: 08
  • SPAN-3102 (Spanish Composition) Section: 01W
  • SPAN-3102 (Spanish Composition) Section: 02W

Spring 2017 Sections

  • SPAN-1002 (Elementary Spanish II) Section: 02
  • SPAN-1002 (Elementary Spanish II) Section: 08
  • SPAN-4785 (Gender/Nation/Narrative) Section: 01W

Fall 2016 Sections

  • SPAN-1001 (Elementary Spanish I) Section: 04
  • SPAN-1001 (Elementary Spanish I) Section: 12
  • XIDS-2002 (WDYK about Learning Languages) Section: 05
  • SPAN-4260 (Modern Spanish Poetry) Section: 01

Summer 2016 Sections

  • SPAN-2001 (Intermediate Spanish I) Section: 01

Spring 2016 Sections

  • SPAN-2002 (Intermediate Spanish II) Section: 02
  • SPAN-2002 (Intermediate Spanish II) Section: 03
  • SPAN-3030 (Intro to Hispanic Literature) Section: 01

Fall 2015 Sections

  • SPAN-1002 (Elementary Spanish II) Section: 01
  • SPAN-1002 (Elementary Spanish II) Section: 02
  • SPAN-3102 (Spanish Composition) Section: 01W

Spring 2015 Sections

  • SPAN-2001 (Intermediate Spanish I) Section: AB1
  • SPAN-2001B (Intermediate Spanish I-Block) Section: 01
  • SPAN-2002 (Intermediate Spanish II) Section: AB1
  • SPAN-2002B (Intermediate Spanish II-Block) Section: 01

Romero López, Dolores, and Jeffrey Zamostny, eds. Towards the Digital Cultural History of the Other Silver Age Spain. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2022. 282 pp. [View Publication (PDF)]

“Álvaro Retana y Carlos Fortuny en Los Novelistas (1928-29): Erotismo, continuidad y cambio.” Eros y logos II: Siglo XX (1900-1950). Ed. María Martínez Deyros and Javier Blasco Pascual. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021. 31-64.

“Álvaro Retana and Claudina Regnier: Authorship, Enigma, and Queer Celebrity (1911-1917).” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 2021. 1-19.

Zamostny, Jeffrey, translator. Hidden Path. Translation of the novel Oculto sendero by Elena Fortún. Foreword by Nuria Capdevila-Argüelles. Translator's Note by Jeffrey Zamostny. Chicago: Swan Isle Press, 2021. [View Publication External Resource]

"La Colección Ricardo Donoso-Cortés y Mesonero-Romanos de Literatura de Kiosko, 1900-1967 (UCLA): Presentación y catálogo." Mediodía. Revista Hispánica de Rescate (Seville: Renacimiento) 1 (2018): 148-66.

"Tórtola Valencia and Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent: Celebrity and Self-Plagiarism." Modern Language Notes 133 (2018): 297-317.

“Blasco Ibáñez’s Piedra de Luna: Whitewashing Global Stardom.” Revista de Estudios sobre Blasco Ibáñez/Journal of Blasco Ibáñez Studies 4 (2016-2017): 147-60.

“Homosexualidad masculina y ferrocarril en la Otra Edad de Plata.” Dinamitar los límites: Denuncia y compromiso en la literatura de la otra Edad de Plata. Ed. P. Barrera Velasco and J. M. González Soriano. Madrid: Ed. Complutense, 2017. 113-38.

“Traducción y teoría poética en Saliendo de la estación de Atocha de Ben Lerner.” La teoría literaria ante la narrativa actual. Ed. Manuel Martínez Arnaldos and Carmen Pujante Segura. Murcia: Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2017. 229-41.

“Virtual Álvaro Retana: Recovery and Fandom in the Digital Age.” Single-authored chapter for Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Zamostny and Susan Larson. Bristol: Intellect, 2017. 155-74.

“Introduction: Kiosk Literature and the Enduring Ephemeral.” Single-authored introduction for Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture. Ed. Jeffrey Zamostny and Susan Larson. Bristol: Intellect, 2017. 1-27.

Zamostny, Jeffrey, and Susan Larson, eds. Kiosk Literature of Silver Age Spain: Modernity and Mass Culture. Bristol: Intellect, 2017. 493 pp. [View Publication External Resource]

"Locating Tragedy in El ángel de Sodoma: Inversion and the Unchanged Name." L'Erudit franco-espagnol 7 (2015): 22-34. [View Publication External Resource]

"El lector como admirador y corresponsal creativo: Fan mail y fan fiction en La Novela de Hoy." Miradas de progreso: Reflejos de la modernidad en la Otra Edad de Plata. Ed. M. Mañas Martínez and B. Reguiero. Madrid: Ediciones del Orto, 2016. 87-114.

"Jacinto Benavente's De muy buena familia and Early Twentieth-Century Discourse on Crime and Homosexuality: Three Readings." Hispanófila 173 (2015): 183-99.

"Ricardo Darín and the Animal Gaze: Celebrity and Anonymity in El aura." Confluencia 30.2 (2015): 154-66.

"Pimping the Text: Gendered Tropes in Spain's Mass Literary Market, 1907-1936." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 47.1 (2013): 55-78.

"Constructing Ethical Attention in Lucía Puenzo's XXY." Representing History, Class, and Gender in Spain and Latin America: Children and Adolescents in Film. Ed. Carolina Rocha and Georgia Seminet. New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2012. 189-204.

"Canon Formation and Diversity: Latin American Gay Literature in the Global Market." Chasqui 40.2 (2011): 80-94. Accompanying dossier of images in Chasqui 41.1 (2012): 187-90.

"El malestar estomacal en La de Bringas de Galdós." Decimonónica 7.1 (2010): 61-75. [View Publication External Resource]

"Comings Out: Secrecy, Sexuality, and Murder in Michael Nava's Rag and Bone." MELUS 34.3 (2009): 183-204.

"¡Todos a bordo!: Viajes al tercer sexo madrileño en A Sodoma en tren botijo de Alvaro Retana." Divergencias 7.1 (2009): 55-60. [View Publication External Resource]