USG Dual Appointment Automated Process

We are excited to announce an enhancement to the Dual Appointment process within the University
System of Georgia (USG). This improvement aims to increase efficiency, accuracy, and the overall
experience for all involved.

What is the Dual Appointment process?

It allows an employee to work for more than one institution within the USG simultaneously. See Brief Description of Dual Appointment Agreement below for additional details.

Key benefits of the automated process include:

  • Digitized and automated intake process
  • Streamlined workflows
  • Electronic approvals
  • Standardized invoicing schedule
  • Centralized data entry and processing

What does this mean for you?

Starting March 1, 2025, a new intake and approval process will be in place for dual appointment

For further information, including the link to the new intake form, job aids, and training recordings, please
visit the Dual Appointment Resources Toolkit.

The link to submit a dual appointment can be found under ‘Manager Resources > DA Request Form Link'. 

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your institution’s Dual Appointment

USG Dual Appointment Coordinators Directory

UWG Dual Appointment Coordinator: Karen Hulsey

Phone: 678-839-6430

Brief Description of Dual Appointment Agreement:

The employment of staff, faculty, and students at two or more institutions within the University System of Georgia (USG) during the same period of time is a recognized method of keeping costs to a minimum and maximizing resource utilization across USG.

Dual appointments may be requested when a Requesting Institution is in need of specific knowledge and/or skill set from an employee who is currently working at another institution (Home Institution) in the University System of Georgia (USG) and:

1. Approval requirements have been met, 
2. The transaction is in the best interest of the USG, and 
3. Such service will not have a detrimental effect on the employee’s Home Institution work commitment.

Helpful Hints:

  • Dual appointment requests should be submitted as soon as possible due to the lengthy approval process. 
  • It is best practice to check with Human Resources to determine if the individual chosen to complete the task/assignment is an employee of another USG institution.
    • If the employee is not identified as a USG employee until the transaction reaches HR for entry, the payment to the employee could be delayed up to two months. 
  • The initiators of the agreement should monitor the process and check in with the Dual Appointment Coordinator throughout the process for status updates.
  • Budget amendments and check requests are required for the process. Prepare in advance when possible.
  • Dual appointment agreements cannot cross fiscal years. If the assignment/task will cross fiscal years, two requests must be submitted.
  • Dual appointment agreements ending at or near the end of the fiscal year will need the budgeted funds encumbered due to not receiving invoices until after the work has been completed. Please work directly with the dual appointment coordinator for this process.