UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship
The UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship is now endowed and will benefit for perpetuity deserving University of West Georgia students who are direct descendants or an immediate family relation of retired faculty or staff members or are retirees of UWG.
If you would like to make a gift, you can contribute online through our Online Giving Form or by contacting Zoë Smith-Owenby at zsmith@westga.edu or 678-839-6501 .
Thank you again to all who have given so generously to the scholarship fund. Your gifts are making a difference in the lives of our students!
Scholarship Criteria
- Recipients will be full-time graduate or undergraduate students who are retirees of the institution or
who are direct descendants or an immediate family relation of a retired faculty or staff member (with a
minimum of 10 years of service to the institution). - Recipients will have minimum cumulative GPA 2.5, with preference given to applicants with higher GPA.
- Preference will be given to applicants with a demonstrated financial need as determined by the UWG
Financial Aid Office.
Students may apply by going to the University of West Georgia Scholarship Portal and following the instructions. Scholarship Application will open annually in October. The scholarship deadline for incoming students is February 1st. Priority will be given to students who apply before February 1st, but applications will be considered until a candidate is selected.
Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at admissions@westga.edu with any questions.
UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship Recipients
Kelli Kaiser, 2024-2025
Kelli was awarded the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for 2024-2025.
Kelli is a senior majoring in Special Education-Adapted Curriculum. She is the granddaughter of retiree Roger Kaiser (Athletics). Kelli attended the 2024 Retiree Reunion, along with Roger and wife Beverly, as well as her boyfriend, Rece; parents, Chip and Christy; and sister, Lexi. In her speech to the group, she thanked retirees for their support and shared some information about herself. Kelli plans to work with youth who have significant special needs, especially on supporting a successful transition from school to adult life.
Madeline Wentworth, 2023-2024
Madeline was awarded the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for 2023-2024.
Madeline is a junior majoring in Early Childhood Education. She is the granddaughter of retiree Jimmy Agan, who worked in Continuing Education for 20 years. Madeline attended the 2023 Retiree Reunion, along with Jimmy and wife Ann, as well as Madeline’s mother and stepfather, Nicolette and James Agan. In a letter to scholarship donors and in her speech to reunion attendees, Madeline thanked them for their investment in her academic goals and future.
Jordan Wagner, 2022-2023
Jordan was awarded the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for 2022-2023. Thanks to everyone supporting
our students who are family members of retirees!
Jordan is a senior majoring in Computer Science who already has a job lined up for after graduation. He
is the son of retiree Donald Wagner. Jordan, his wife Amy, and their son Milo joined ARFS members at
our annual retiree reunion in October.
Laurel Anne Vines, Spring 2022
Laurel was awarded a portion of the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for Spring term, 2022. Thanks to
those helping make a difference for our students!
Laurel is majoring in Early Childhood Education. She lives in Buchanan and is a relative of retiree John
Henry Vines, Jr.
Nathanael Davis, 2021-2022
Nathanael (Nathan) Davis was awarded the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for 2020-2021. Thanks to all who have given so generously to the scholarship fund!
Nathan is a sophomore majoring in Health and Community Wellness who made the Dean’s list for academic achievement after Fall, 2020. He is a relative of UWG retiree Van Andrew Davis, Jr. and is from Dalton, Georgia. He has expressed interest in eventually becoming a physical therapist or a strength and conditioning coach for a college football program. Asked what he might say to a scholarship donor, Nathan replied in part, “Thank you very much! College is a struggle; your support is appreciated beyond what is understandable.”
Allen Ledbetter, 2020
The Association of Retired Faculty & Staff is pleased to announce the current recipient of the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship is Allen Ledbetter. Thanks to all who have given so generously to the scholarship fund. Your gifts make all the difference!
Allen is a UWG graduate student in the MBA program in Richards College of Business. While attending classes, he also currently works full-time as a Systems Analyst at Southwire. Allen’s goal is to use the knowledge that he gains from the MBA to manage a team to further Southwire's leverage of their enterprise systems.
Allen and his wife, Meredith have 2 children, Charlotte and Jack. Allen is the son of UWG retiree, Lisa Ledbetter. Congratulations to Allen!
William Wortham, 2019
ARFS is pleased to announce that the current recipient of the UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship is William Wortham. Thanks to all who have given so generously to the scholarship fund, raising $25,000 in a three year period to endow this scholarship!
William Wortham is a UWG freshman in the College of Education Health & Community Wellness and a relative of UWG retiree, Dannie Smith.
Jake Saunders, 2018
Great news! ARFS is pleased and proud to announce Jake Saunders has been chosen by the UWG Scholarship Committee to receive the first ever UWG Retiree Legacy Scholarship for Fall Semester 2018. Hunter Jacob (Jake) Saunders, 22, is a UWG senior majoring in Physical Geography. Jake thoroughly enjoys the outdoors including hunting & fishing. He would like to pursue a career in Natural Resources or in Conservation. Jake is the grandson of Dr. Martha Ann Saunders, retired English professor from UWG.