Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement

Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement
Collaborating, educating, and motivating. Creating environments that empower both students and faculty.
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Vision, Mission, and Research Department of Leadership, Research, and School Improvement
The guiding vision of Leadership and Instruction is to develop candidate graduates who are able to thrive and contribute in a rapidly changing society where the jobs and schools of tomorrow are not even defined today. We strive to be market responsive and forward thinking in terms of academic programs and the delivery of these programs. We are strategic in the quest for diversity. The Area of Leadership and Instruction is intentional in the desire to produce leader and teacher candidates who are technologically and philosophically current and who acquire a quest for a lifetime of learning. We also seek to impact both current students and the greater UWG community in the overall pursuit of personal wellness.
The departmental mission is to collaborate, educate and motivate and to provide a collaborative environment that empowers students and faculty for successful contributions to their professions and society.
Educational research faculty at the University of West Georgia teach courses at the Master's, Specialist, and Doctoral levels as they are applied in a variety of educational settings. Introductory courses provide a foundation for students enabling better understanding of published research which is needed for the continuing improvement of classroom teaching. Advanced research courses provide students with the tools to examine and enhance their classroom or school environment.
Students of educational research and faculty members at the University of West Georgia conduct research analyzing issues in school improvement. Students' research include areas of early childhood, middle grades, secondary education administration, counseling, media, and special education. Faculty in the program also provide expertise to faculty members and graduate students in the College of Education by serving as methodology specialists on research projects, student theses, and doctoral dissertation committees.