Virginia Teach One Year later: How Campuses Have Responded. A summary from Campus Safety of the results of the CS Post Virginia Tech Study showing how this tragedy has impacted the approaches campuses use to prevent, detect and respond to such emergencies.
Understanding Mental Illness: - After the Virginia Tech Tragedy. From SAMHSA – a list of links to PDFs about recognizing and dealing with victims of trauma.
Katrina Leaving Some Students Feeling Blue: This 2006 article from the Houston and Texas News website reviews the preliminary findings of a study by Thompson Davis III, an assistant professor of psychology at Louisiana State University and Amie Grills, an assistant professor of clinical psychology at the University of Houston, who based their findings on answers from about 1,000 students who completed an online survey. Thomas Ollendick, a Virginia Tech consultant, was also involved in the study.
College Campus Violence Prevention and Response: This 127-page 2008 report from Applied Risk Management includes a survey of the current state of campus violence preparedness and prevention in Massachusetts and makes recommendations for best practices.
Mental Health Role in Campus Security: by Lynn Carter. This article from the state of Missouri’s Office of Homeland Security Higher Education Committee reviews the recommendations of their Campus Security Task Force and their implications for the role of mental health professionals on campus and in the community.
Mental Health Planning for Higher Education: This ACI Train the Trainer course provides an overview of Missouri’s leadership efforts in campus security, reviews key concepts in disaster psychology and the and the contribution of mental health experts to emergency planning events, and identifies community resources available to support campuses in planning emergency responses that will address the mental health needs of students, faculty, administration and families.
Supporting Students: A Model for Colleges and Universities. This report from the Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law provides useful information for college staff on depression and students and makes recommendations regarding crisis preparedness and resources.
NAMI on Campus Clubs: This article from the website of the National Alliance for Mental Illness encourages students to join or form their own student-led, student-run organization to provide mental health support, education, and advocacy in their university or college setting.
The Presidential Role in Disaster Planning and Response: Lessons From the Front. This 12-page 2008 report from the Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) establishes guidelines, including guidelines for mental health assistance, for college presidents to follow before, during and after a disaster.
Campus Public Safety Preparedness for Catastrophic Events: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes and Explosives. This 2006 148-page report from the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators uses detailed case studies gathered from focus groups meetings of campus security professionals at colleges and universities that have experienced terrorism or disaster, to identify current and future training needs to help campus public safety departments prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from acts of terrorism or natural disasters on college campuses.
Stress Management Tips for Parents of College Students: in the Aftermath of the Virginia Tech Incident. This article from the American Psychiatric Association Online contains many useful communication tips for parents of college students that have experienced stress or trauma.
Coping With Disaster: Tips for College Students. This 2-page factsheet from the Mental Health Association of Rockville, Maryland provides tips for recognizing commons responses to disaster, coping, and returning to normal life, and provides a list of online mental health resources.
Depression on College Campuses: The University’s Role in Responding to Crisis, Disaster and Loss. From the University of Michigan’s Depression Center website, this article provides a summary of their 2006 conference on disaster mental health. Includes links to video of several conference participants.