Mail Services
Welcome to University Mail Services
The University Mail Services is a USPS Contract Postal Unit. We offer most window services (i.e., express, registered, certified, and insured mail). A variety of stamps are available.
For a complete overview of our procedures and services, please visit our Campus Mail Procedures page.
Contact Us
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Dispatch 3:30 pm
Phone: (678) 839-6483
University of West Georgia
111 Back Campus Drive
Carrollton, GA 30118
Campus Office Mail Pick-up Requests
Mail Services is utilizing a new request-based pick-up system. Daily deliveries will be made to offices with incoming mail, but outgoing mail will need scheduled pick-ups. Please ensure to complete the request form to schedule a mail pick-up.
Student Virtual PO Box Requests
If you plan to have packages or mail delivered to campus, you'll need a virtual PO Box. To request a virtual PO Box, complete the Virtual PO Box Request form.