In November of 2016 the General Faculty approved the restructuring of Faculty Senate to more fairly distribute workload and streamline governance processes. As of July 2017, the "Committees" tab of the Faculty Senate website reflects the new Senate structure. This archive page contains committee descriptions, composition, agendas, meeting dates, and minutes prior to July of 2017.

Undergraduate Programs Committee

Purpose: to recommend policy and procedures concerning undergraduate degrees and academic programs (including majors, concentration and minors), extended degree programs, international programs, core curriculum, and individual undergraduate courses; and to approve all undergraduate course additions or deletions from the curriculum and any reorientation of existing programs. 

Membership: five senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators:  the Registrar, and one appointed by the Provost; one student, appointed by SGA. (Total: 15)

XIDS Core Review Committee

The XIDS Core Review Committee is a subcommittee of the Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC) of the Faculty Senate. It is charged with reviewing proposals for new XIDS courses. XIDS courses in existing numbers such as XIDS 2001/2002 and XIDS 2100/2300 will be voted on in this committee and the results forwarded to the UPC as information items.  Any new course numbers must be voted on by the UPC. Membership is composed of representatives from each College or Division of the university, elected representatives from disciplines that support the XIDS rubric, and appointed representatives from the UPC (including the Chair).

Graduate Programs Committee

Purpose:  to recommend policy and procedures concerning graduate programs, curriculum, admissions, transfers, admission to candidacy eligibility for graduation, petitions and appeals, and graduate faculty; and to approve all additions and deletions of graduate courses and programs and reorientations of existing programs.

Membership: five senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units: the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators: the Dean of the Graduate School and one appointed by the Provost; one student, appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School. (Total: 15)

Honors Program Committee

Purpose: to recommend policy and procedures concerning Honors College admission and retention criteria, Honors College advising and curriculum matters, petitions and appeals, and the annual Honors Convocation; to recommend proposals for recognizing Honors College student achievements through the University Commencement program and other appropriate means; and to recommend means to attract prospective Honors College students, and to provide Honors College students amenities and advantages consistent with national patterns of excellence; and to make recommendations concerning honorary degrees.

Membership: three senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; three administrators: the Dean of the Honors College, the Director of the Advanced Academy, and one appointed by the provost; one student, appointed by the Student Honors Council. (Total: 14)


Minutes TBA

Academic Policies Committee

Purpose: to recommend policy and procedures concerning advising, undergraduate admissions, and retention, progression and graduation, registration, University calendar, class scheduling, final examinations, and examination scheduling, testing, advanced placement, commencement, and catalog-- including catalog content; to consider undergraduate student petitions for exceptions to academic policy, including graduation requirements, as authorized by the Provost and Vice president for Academic Affairs; and to advise with respect to Admissions, Enrollment Management, Learning Support and Testing, Registrar, Registration and Records. 

Membership: four senators; seven faculty, one elected form each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators: the Registrar and one appointed by the Provost; one student, appointed by SGA. (Total: 14)

Faculty Development Committee

Purpose: to recommend policy concerning appointments, promotions, tenure, salaries, benefits, grievances, discipline and dismissals; to serve as the Faculty Hearing Committee in accordance with the Board of Regents established faculty grievance process; to review pedagogy for distance and classroom learning; to determine the allocation of UWG funded grant support; and to serve in an advisory capacity on faculty and institutional research, institutional diversity, sponsored operations, and other faculty development issues as may be requested by administration. 

Membership:  three or four senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units: the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School fo Nursing, the Library; one administrator, appointed by the Provost.  (Total:  11 or 12) 

Strategic Planning Committee

Purpose:  to recommend policy concerning University purposes and goals (and to evaluate their degree of suitability and attainment),  academic planning and growth, SACs and specialized accreditations, and the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), and campus development and to monitor the implementation of the University's strategic plan. 

Membership:  three or four senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators; the Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment and one appointed by the Provost; one student, appointed by SGA. (Total: 13 or 14)

Student Affairs Committee

Purpose: to serve in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Student Affairs and to recommend policy and procedures concerning financial aid, orientation, housing, health and food services, career and counseling services, student security and safety, student discipline, student publications, student organizations, and government, student development, internship programs, multicultural opportunities, international students, and other student matters referred to the committee. 

Membership:  three senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units; the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators, one appointed by the Provost, and one by the Vice President for Student Affairs; two student representatives, one appointed by SGA and one by the Dean of the Graduate School.  (Total: 14) 

Technology Committee

Purpose: To recommend policy and procedures concerning the integration of information and instructional technology into the academic mission, including distance and online learning; to evaluate the state of information technology at the university; and to advise with respect to the campus computer centers, and Information Technology Services. 

Membership: three senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; three administrators; the Chief Information Officer, the Director of Distance and Distributed Education, and one appointed by the Provost; one student representative, appointed by SGA. (Total 14)

Facilities and Services Committee

Purpose:  to serve in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Business and Financial Services and to recommend policy and procedures concerning campus planning and development, auxiliary services, campus security and safety, campus facilities such as telephone services, mail services, parking and traffic control, physical plant, and environmental and sustainability issues. 

Membership:  three senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units: the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library: two administrators, one appointed by the Provost and one by the Vice President of Business and Financial Services; one student representative, appointed by SGA. (Total 13)

University Relations Committee

Purpose:  To serve in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for University Advancement and to recommend policy and procedures concerning continuing education, university public relations, alumni relations, marketing, university events and convocations, priorities for fund raising. 

Membership:  three senators:  seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the Scholl of Nursing and the Library; two administrators, one appointed by the Provost, and one by the Vice President for University Advancement; one student representative appointed by SGA (Total: 13)

Intercollegiate Athletics Committee

Purpose: to recommend policy and procedures concerning athletic admission standards, athletic budgets, program expansion or reduction, and membership in associations; and to oversee the enforcement of conference, association and accreditation rules and regulations.

Membership: three senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units: the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; four administrators:  the Director of Athletics; the NCAA representative; one appointed by the Provost, and one by the Vice President for University Advancement; two students, appointed by SGA. (Total: 16)

Budget Committee

Purpose: to review the budget of the University and to make recommendations regarding prioritization, distribution, and implementation to the President and the Vice Presidents of the University. 

Membership: three or four senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the following academic units:  the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; five administrators: the Director of Budget Services and one each appointed by the Provost, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Vice President for Business and Financial Services, the Vice President for University Advancement; one student representative, appointed by SGA.  (Total: 16 or 17)

Rules Committee

Purpose:  to review and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding the structures, composition and organizational aspects of the Faculty Senate and its committees and the rules under which they operate; to resolve disputes between Senate committees, to recommend clear, transparent, efficient, and effective rules for faculty participation in shared university governance; to consider appeals for cases of alleged violations to the rules; and to recommend and to coordinate revisions and updates to the UWG Faculty Handbook, Statutes, Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures, and any operating protocols the Senate establishes. 

Membership:  four senators; seven faculty, one elected from each of the five colleges (COSM, COSS, COAH, RCOB, COE), the School of Nursing, and the Library; two administrators:  the University General Counsel; and one appointed by the Provost. (Total: 13)