We are pleased to introduce Faculty180, which is an online software tool that provides UWG faculty with a convenient, single place to record their contributions and accomplishments related to research/creative activity, teaching, credentials, and service that can be used for the purposes of annual evaluations, promotion and tenure, and specialized reports such as curriculum vitae and National Science Foundation (NSF) & National Institutes of Health (NIH) biographical sketches.

The system is user friendly, functional, and highly flexible. It’s “find colleagues” functionality allows faculty to connect with other faculty on campus who have the same interests. The platform provides an easier and more efficient way for colleges to manage large reporting processes in a less time-consuming fashion.

The data collection sections were configured based on the Faculty Handbook criteria for promotion and tenure, the current Faculty Activities Annual Report Excel template, and input from representatives from the College of Arts, Culture, and Scientific Inquiry, College of Education, Tanner Health School of Nursing, Richards College of Business, University College, School of Communication, Film, and Media, and Ingram Library, as well as several faculty beta users who provided valuable input regarding inputting activities related to their specific disciplines.

Faculty180 will replace the Excel based Faculty Annual Report template for the Calendar Year 2020 report.

Faculty180 Login Portal


Faculty180 Resources and Guides


Training Video Downloads