"The views and opinions expressed on this social media platform are solely those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the University of West Georgia. We do not endorse or take responsibility for any content shared by our followers or third-party users."

"This social media platform may contain links to external websites or resources that are not owned or controlled by the University of West Georgia. We are not responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of these external sites. The inclusion of such links does not imply endorsement or affiliation."

Social Media Disclaimer for Employees

If you represent a company on social media, it is recommended that an opinion disclaimer be added.

If you’re identified on social media as a representative of your employer, your personal social media posts can be interpreted as official statements of your company. By including an opinion disclaimer that separates your personal opinions from that of your employer, you can lower the risk of backlash from your employer for the content on your personal social media posts.


  1. Views expressed are my own.
  2. All opinions are own.
  3. The opinions expressed here belong solely to me and do not reflect the views of my employer / [insert name of employer].