The Records Information Management (RIM) staff will regularly interact with Records Management Liaisons (RML) to ensure the message of records information management reaches the University community. Members of University departments will receive updates on policy changes, training, and other educational opportunities.

Each department must designate an employee to serve as a RML. The employee must be at a management level sufficient to coordinate department-level records management activities efficiently and effectively and serve as a liaison to the Director of Policy/Information Management.

If deemed appropriate, departments may designate an additional employee to assist and serve as an alternate to the Primary RML.

To designate an RML:

  1. Department head reviews RML responsibilities with the designee (listed below)
  2. Complete the RML Designation Form

Departments shall be responsible for communicating RML designee changes to RIM Services to avoid service gaps/delays.

Records Management Liaisons are critical to successfully implementing the records information management program. Responsibilities of a designated RML include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Serve as a liaison between their department and RIM Services.
  • Attend and participate in RIM training and exercises.
  • Implement RIM policies and procedures within their office.
  • Coordinate and ensure official records destruction is according to the approved Record Retention Schedules.
  • Confirm official records are classified and indexed before transferring files to off-site storage.
  • Submit amendment recommendations for the Record Retention Schedules to RIM Services.
  • Train staff and faculty in their area to perform specific tasks associated with RIM.
  • Promote the RIM program, including the use of the Record Retention Schedules.
  • Coordinate and encourage participation in scheduled annual file destruction.
  • Coordinate the gathering and protection of records in response to legal requirements.