Please provide as much information as possible in the form below. When you are finished, click the SUBMIT PROPOSAL button at the bottom of the page. Submission will be sent via e-mail directly to Dr. Noori at

Area C1: XIDS 2100

Contact Information

Course Information

The Arts and Ideas template requires the integration of art, music, theatre, film, or photography with philosophy, English, foreign languages and literatures, or another approved discipline.

Check at least one of the following disciplines that your course includes.
Check at least one of the following disciplines that your course includes.

Your proposal will need to address the following issues:

List 5 artistic events (plays, recitals, concerts, shows, etc.) that students will attend during the course of the semester
Describe potential grading criteria (exams, papers, performances, works of art, etc.)
Potential primary Reference(s) (text, current literature, etc.)
Outline of Syllabus