An African-American male student walking on campus smiling and wearing a UWG hat and long sleeve shirt.

Learning Together.

The Legacy League Program is dedicated to the success of African-American male students. The primary goal of the Program is to increase retention, progression, and graduation (RPG) rates of African-American male students attending the University of West Georgia.

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Over the years, Legacy League has proven to be effective in increasing RPG rates for African-American males. African-American males are enrolling at higher rates, and more of them are being retained beyond the first and second years of college. Data show students are able to progress and be retained if they are receiving the right support, utilizing available resources, and feel more connected to campus by being involved. Legacy League provides the support needed while encouraging students to get involved on campus.

We believe all students can be successful at UWG. With hard work, discipline, dedication, and determination, these students can be successful in and outside of the classroom. Our goal is that 100% of all students, particularly, African-American males, graduate within 4-6 years.



The goal of the Legacy League at the University of West Georgia is to significantly increase retention, progression, and graduation (RPG) rates of African-American males attending the University of West Georgia.



Coordinator: Dr. Morris Council