students in library at tables

A proven avenue to law school.

Prepare yourself for admittance to law school by earning a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a Concentration in Law, Justice, and Society.

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  • 120 credit hours
  • Concentration in Law, Justice, and Society listed on your official transcript
  • Specifically built with a "pre-law" focus in mind
  • Intellectual training that law school demands

Philosophy is a traditional major preparing students for law school. As a Philosophy Major in UWG's Law, Justice, and Society track, you will pursue skills that the American Bar Association values as essential: problem solving, critical reading and thinking, research, writing, oral communication and listening, and promoting justice.

Compared to most majors, Philosophy students excel on the LSAT—the law school entry examination—and are accepted to law school at higher rates, according to data analyzed by the American Philosophical Association.

Classes That Count

student at conference room table facing two professionals

Classes That Count

Students concentrating in Law, Justice, and Society take coursework that will deepen their understanding of important concepts to prepare them for a successful career in the law, including:

Values That Take You PlacesValues That Take You Places

Mr. Azarowicz in front of the Georgia Capitol building

Values That Take You Places

“Every class that I have taken at UWG has made me better. My philosophy classes have inspired me to be a well-informed thinker and a person who searches for what is right.”

– Nathan Azarowicz '20, Attorney

Learn More About the Concentration in Law, Justice, and Society

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