
To become a globally recognized college of business preparing forward-thinking, responsible leaders.


We are in the business of transforming lives through education, engagement and experiences.

Strategic Goals and Values

Thought Leadership

Provide thought leadership through intellectual contributions and professional practice that is consistent with our mission and vision and raises the institutional visibility and reputation.

Academic Success

Develop an environment that promotes improved student retention and progression toward graduation.

Relevant Programs

Enhance and create curricular and co-curricular programs and initiatives that align with current and expected industry needs and prepare students for career success.

Global Engagement

Expand the Richards College of Business' international participation by developing programs and partnerships that engage faculty and students in the global business community.

External Engagement

Increase external funding from private donations, grants, and/or contracts to help support student, faculty, and staff success.

Togetherness and Belonging

Maintain and enhance a culture where all students, faculty and staff feel valued, connected, and engaged.