Richards College Advising Center

Before registration begins each semester, every economics major is required to meet with an adviser in the Department of Economics to go over the courses he/she should take to ensure adequate progression through the program. Your adviser will assist you in planning the next semester’s program of study and help you stay on track to finish your degree in a satisfactory amount of time. Your adviser is also able to assist you in University regulations regarding grades, grade point averages, the Regent’s Test, etc. You can expect the highest level of confidentiality from your adviser. Any personal questions or concerns will remain private.

Students should make an appointment with your adviser through GradesFirst or with the Administrative Assistant in the Economics Main Office at Roy Richards Sr. Hall, Office 323. Before your appointment, you need to look at Banweb to develop a tentative course schedule. You need to bring your tentative schedule, a pen, and any questions you may have to your appointment.

Economics Advisers:

B.S. Economics

B.A. International Economic Affairs

B.B.A. Economics


What is economics? Why major in economics? What careers are available to economics majors? How much do economists get paid?

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